Over the weekend, the USA Today’s fact check on a Trump 2020 t-shirt featuring what talking points on the Left called a “Nazi symbol” found the claim to be “true”:
The claim: Trump campaign shirts feature imperial eagle, a Nazi symbol
Our ruling: True https://t.co/3eCiYdgQvK
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 12, 2020
“True”? Er, OK.
But then, about an hour or so later, the embarrassment began setting in, except the USA Today couldn’t quite retract the alleged fact check:
Clarification: The claim that Trump 2020 has put out a T-shirt with a symbol similar to a Nazi eagle and is being criticized for it is true. Worth noting, the eagle is a longtime US symbol, too.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 12, 2020
Oh, eagles are also a “longtime US symbol”? Shocker!
So what happened a few days later on Wednesday? Full retraction? Nope! It’s now “inconclusive”:
Update: The rating on this article has been changed to inconclusive. It was updated to reflect further reporting and analysis.
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) July 15, 2020
This thread is like a slow motion car wreck https://t.co/SJ8GN9wuna
— Jessica Fletcher (@heckyessica) July 15, 2020
And we have a feeling it’s not over yet.
Just admit you were wrong and move on.
— Jacob Airey (@realJacobAirey) July 15, 2020
Is there any doubt that a Democrat campaign would have received a total retraction and full-page apology published in both the newspaper and online?
So in other words, one of the main reasons this country is so divided, is due to irresponsible “ journalism” like this.
— Alexander (@mmafootball81) July 15, 2020
Ya know, that might have something to do with it. *Eye roll*
No, the article was updated after you were called out as #DemMediaBorg propaganda.
The American eagle & the German Nazi eagle are both true, but Trump used the American eagle & you knew it. https://t.co/ea2psFkiyx
— David Morgan (@StarCoreOne02) July 15, 2020
And they’re still clinging to it.
USA Today could not bring itself to admit its lie about a Trump t-shirt. https://t.co/5hXWxbIvtT
— Lawrence Hakiwai (@Omahuson) July 15, 2020
That's quite a fact checking system you've got there. Bang up job all around.
— Eric Soderholm's Biggest Fan (@ChienAndaluce) July 15, 2020
This is an embarrassment to your staff and the entire profession.
You’ve helped nothing and no one, specifically your readers.
— Alan Cavanna (@AlanCavanna) July 15, 2020
"to reflect further reporting and analysis" that found the symbol has been used in American politics for more that a century before the 3rd Reich was even a thing.
— George Bentley, Listen for the Trumpet. (@Geobent) July 15, 2020
“Journalism” everybody!
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