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'STRAWMAN DOWN'! Brian Stelter's attempted comeback to Greg Gutfeld calling out 'trash' WH media reporting did NOT end well for him

As Twitchy told you Monday, CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang did her best (with help from the rest of the MSM) to turn President Trump’s response to her question into a racist attack.


If you missed it, here’s how it unfolded:

Greg Gutfeld translated the media/Dem attempt to generate a “racism” narrative this way:

CNN’s media hall monitor Brian Stelter followed that up like so:


LOL! “Journalism” y’all!

Gutfeld responded…

Yep. CNN is a clown show and they don’t seem to realize it.

That CNN will get the vapors tomorrow over something Trump-related is as guaranteed as the sun rising in the east.


If it’s not stupidity, then it’s an act. Neither choice is a good look for a self-described “journalist.”

Also, amid the media’s constant attempts to turn Trump’s battles against reporters into “racism” issues, never forget who fancies himself to be the president’s archnemesis:

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