Nike’s decision to pull a line of shoes that were to feature the Betsy Ross flag on the heel has been applauded by Dems such as Gavin Newsom and Julian Castro. Newsom tweeted an invitation for Nike to move production to California for “doing the right thing” after Colin Kaepernick objected to the company selling shoes featuring an early American flag that he finds “offensive.”
In that case, nobody tell Kaepernick that the flag was also on prominent display at the president’s inauguration. No, not President Trump’s inauguration, but President Obama’s:
That Betsy Ross flag sure fell out of fashion quickly. (Photo: 2nd Obama inaugural, 2013)
— David Martosko (@dmartosko) July 3, 2019
The Left must not have deemed it nearly as offensive way back in 2013:
Attention Nike: The flag Colin Kaepernick told you was unacceptable on your shoes was displayed rather prominently at Barack Obama's inauguration.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 3, 2019
It “fell out of fashion” with a small group of loud, disproportionately influential Woke Olympians. I suspect it’ll be back in fashion among many Americans as an anti-PC totem.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) July 3, 2019
Video of President Trump’s inaugural speech shows the same flags on display that were used for Obama’s inaugurals, but 2019 is a different year and everything has escalated quickly:
So Obama is a racist. . . Got it.
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) July 3, 2019
was also there for his inauguration in 2009. confirmed.
— Diane (@DianeToGo) July 3, 2019
Nobody ever spent a second thinking that flag was racist until Kaepernick- whose only marketable skill is being offended by stuff- decided that it was racist. Nike cowered in fear and woke journalists did all they could to find any racist anywhere who likes the Betsy Ross flag.
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) July 3, 2019
This is the kind of hypocrisy that drives me crazy with politics. Betsy Ross ok in 2014 now it’s racist. Give me a break
— HL Millett (@HLMillett) July 3, 2019
Worst part about the Nike controversy is that its tantamount to giving racists, who claim this flag, a victory as far as who & what the flag represents. Nike had the opportunity to take a stand and say “The Betsy Ross flag stands for freedom, not racism.” Its a shame they didn’t.
— Latimer Ridley (@RidleyLatimer) July 3, 2019
Just shows how far left America has moved
— DML (@SirDML) July 3, 2019
And with impressive speed.
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