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Fired NIH Employee Posts Photo of Her Cleared-Out Office, to Much Celebrating

Katie Sandlin used to work for the National Institutes of Health. But thanks to some much-needed downsizing, she and 2,000 other NIH employees were sent packing Friday. She decided to post a photo of her cleared-out office. Maybe someone useful will move in.


Fortunately, Elon Musk won't suspend you from X for posting "learn to code."

Before you feel too sorry for Sandlin, here she is with her Anthony Fauci finger puppet which the NIH store was carrying for some reason.


Why does the NIH have a bookstore, and can you buy matching beagle plushies for your Fauci finger puppet to torture?


We're certain that women and minorities will be hardest hit by her absence.

Maybe her old boss Fauci could hire her as part of his security team, now that he no longer has one funded by the taxpayers.


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