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Nicholas Kristof Advises Elite Liberals Not to Demean Uneducated Trump Voters

Fuzzy Chimp

A Twitchy just reported a Lincoln Project goon looked at the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency. Sure, it would be great, but we'd still have "40 million people in this country who’ve been radicalized like ISIS." Those would be the "ultra-MAGA Republicans," a phrase President Joe Biden tried to work into every speech he gave, including his notorious "Red Speech" in Philadelphia where he demonized half the country. This was the new version of Hillary Clinton's "baskets of deplorables."


It's the last day of August in 2024, and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof writes that "we" shouldn't demean Trump supporters.

A little late for that, Kristof. Maybe you should have written this column in 2017.

Who's "we"? Kristof writes:

“I urge you to meet people where they are,” said [Bill] Clinton, who knows something about winning votes outside of solid blue states. “I urge you not to demean them, but not to pretend you don’t disagree with them if you do. Treat them with respect — just the way you’d like them to treat you.”

That’s critical counsel because too often since 2016, the liberal impulse has been to demonize anyone at all sympathetic to Donald Trump as a racist and bigot. This has been politically foolish, for it’s difficult to win votes from people you’re disparaging.

It has also seemed to me morally offensive, particularly when well-educated and successful elites are scorning disadvantaged, working-class Americans who have been left behind economically and socially and in many cases are dying young. They deserve empathy, not insults.

Oh, so the uneducated and unsuccessful racist and bigoted Trump supporters deserve empathy. How kind.


Kristof is making a lot of New York Times readers upset by calling for empathy for Trump supporters who've been calling Democrats names for eight years. If you still support Trump after all we know about him, you don't deserve anything but scorn, they say.


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