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BuzzFeed Lists 11 'Major Wins' Attributed to Vice President Kamala Harris


I honestly wasn't sure if BuzzFeed was still around or not. CNN snitch Oliver Darcy told us last spring that BuzzFeed News was shutting down. Apparently, BuzzFeed Celeb is still a thing, and they're stepping in to campaign for Kamala Harris. We still aren't sure what Harris' platform is … it keeps changing.

If we don't know where Harris is headed (does she still want to ban fracking and defund the police?), at least we can see where she's been. I've seen a lot of people on X claim that Harris has no accomplishments to run on, and I agree 100 percent. But then again, I haven't looked at BuzzFeed Celebs' report on 11 major wins attributed to the vice president. 

Michaela Bramwell's first major win was Harris being the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic. 

As a US Senator, Kamala Harris cosponsored a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, and on June 17, 2021, the Biden-Harris administration officially made Juneteenth a federal holiday.

Number 5: She led the Central America Forward initiative. No, she was never border czar; they sent her to Central America to find the root causes of mass migration. "Harris's Central America Forward initiative has given $5 billion to support job creation and combat violence in Central America." So, they're coming here to work? That's not asylum. How far did that $5 billion go to stem immigration?

Number 9: "She represented the US at the United Nations Climate Summit, advocating for climate change actions worldwide." That's funny, because during her 2020 presidential run she was all for the Green New Deal … but a spokesperson for her campaign says she no longer supports the Green New Deal's federal jobs guarantee. We were supposed to have zero percent unemployment with everyone building solar panels and planting trees for "tree equity."

And most recently, "She helped negotiate the release of three Americans wrongfully detained in Russia." Two of whom were wrongfully detained during the Biden-Harris administration. 

I don't see any of these as major "wins" … leading the charge to ensure "equal voting rights" is not a win — it's a gift.

Come on, BuzzFeed.

That's right, she helped wrangle $5 billion to create a fleet of electric school buses. Three years later, they've produced 60, or $83 million per bus.

That's really the best way to put it … she was around when all of these things happened, and I certainly wouldn't call them all wins. Reuters reports:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, hailed the role Harris has played in securing passage of major legislation and confirmation of judicial nominees, saying that "without her tie-breaking votes, there would be no American Rescue Plan, no Inflation Reduction Act, and we would not have confirmed many of the excellent judges now presiding on the bench."

We wouldn't have spent $1.9 trillion on the American Rescue Plan and somewhere between $780 billion and $1.2 trillion on the "Inflation Reduction Act," a name even the mainstream media avoided in its reporting.

Why are we hearing about these from BuzzFeed Celebs if they're such huge wins?



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