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Here’s MORE Evidence of ELECTION INTERFERENCE from Google

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

As Twitchy reported earlier, a search for "assassination attempt on Tr …" led Google to helpfully autocomplete the request with … Truman? "Assassination attempt on Truman" is the first search result? There are seven suggested searches there, and not one of them mentions Donald Trump.


Google explained that its systems automatically "have protections against Autocomplete predictions associated with political violence" — no one person interfered with the results. That was debunked pretty quickly by showing searches for plenty of other searches associated with political violence, such as the Kenosha riots.

Now we have more evidence of election interferences from Google. We tried this ourselves and got the same results, so this is not a "cheap fake."

Seriously — type "Donald Trump" into Google's search bar and you get results for "News about Harris • Donald Trump" and search results like "Kamala Harris allies deploy new Trump attack line: he is 'just plain weird'" and "Andrew Cuomo: Here’s How Harris Can Beat Trump and His Stream of Lies."

Type in "Kamala Harris" and you get results about … "Kamala Harris."


As we said, we tried it and got the exact same result.

Imagine if Elon Musk hadn't purchased Twitter; none of us would know about any of this.


This really is blatant … search for "Donald Trump" and get results for "Harris • Donald Trump." We didn't search for Harris.


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