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Lefties Are Big Mad at AIPAC for Costing Jamaal Bowman His Seat in Congress

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

As we reported Saturday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jumped around like an idiot in a get-out-the-vote rally in the Bronx for Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who was facing a primary challenger. It was a blowout, and Bowman lost big time. But AOC warned us as she called for people to turn out for the rally (of 1,200 people, right), tweeting, "Big money, from AIPAC to Wall Street, have poured millions to buy this election." It's true: AIPAC — the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — did sink millions into the election, probably because Bowman is a Hamas sympathizer and rape denier. Bowman even had some words for AIPAC at his rally:


Yeah, but you didn't, though.

Check out this New York Times headline about his defeat:

Could it be that he just sucks at his job? That he pulled a fire alarm to delay a crucial vote?

The young people of the Sunrise Movement were very upset:

Wajahat Ali was big mad too.


As Stephen Miller points out, though, if you point to the billions George Soros spends to elect activist district attorneys and other progressives, you're being antisemitic:

Again, maybe Bowman just sucked.


Bowman is a terrible person who never should have been elected in the first place. It was a mistake, and the voters corrected their mistake.


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