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Axios Looks at How Biden's Historic Presidency Has Doubled As a Family Tragedy

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Is this a case of buyer's remorse? Of course not. President Joe Biden proved he was the right candidate for 2020 when he garnered a record 81 million votes. But in the vein of all of those "this is just about a father who loves his son very much" pieces we've been reading, Axios looks at Biden's decision to run even with all of the problems in his family. Just think: We wouldn't have Hunter's laptop or Ashley's diary if Biden hadn't chosen to run.


"Trials reveal depths of Bidens' family tragedy." Yeah, like fathering a daughter you refuse to meet and forbidding her for using your name … that kind of family tragedy.

"My look at how his historic presidency has doubled as a family tragedy." Give us a break, a Biden would say.

Remember when CBS Major Garrett told us that Hunter's guilty verdict was painful for the nation? "This is a tragedy for the Biden family precipitated in large measure by the death of Beau Biden," Garrett claimed, bringing up Beau even before the president did for a change.


"… went through a period when both of the adults in the home were addicts."

"… during the woman’s criminal trial, Ashley wrote: 'I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online…The despair I have often felt will never truly go away.'"

The diary included showers with Joe Biden, not just conversations. And she admitted it was real by taking the case to court. 

Dr. Jill encouraged him to run? No way!


There wouldn't have been a special counsel if he hadn't willfully retained boxes of classified documents in his garage and basement … but he still got away with it.

It's not a story about a family being corrupt … it's the story of a family tragedy and a father's love keeping that family together.


It's a story of addiction, which has touched so many American families. Maybe Biden should have decided not to run considering all of the family baggage he was carrying. But he knew he had to stop Donald Trump. 

Funny the piece doesn't mention anything about all of those shell companies and foreign payments that came up in the impeachment inquiry. We wouldn't know about those either.


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