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Rep. Cori Bush Claimed to Have Cured Tumors Through Faith Healing

AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades

Here's some old news that's suddenly new. The first bit of news is that Rep. Cori Bush published a biography two years ago, and we had no idea. The New York Post assures us that there was a full media blitz at the time for "The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America." Apparently, no one read it until the New York Post's John Levine got hold of a copy. We'd heard that Bush's husband/security guard was a little wacky, but Bush claims to have performed miracles in her book.


This must have been before President Joe Biden cured cancer. Levine reports:

Far-left Squad member Rep. Cori Bush performed multiple miracles as a religious faith healer, according to her autobiography.

Bush relayed a story of a toddler she met during a prayer service in St. Louis.

“The child had had a bleed in her brain, shortly after she was born, and so couldn’t walk. She had never taken a step in her life,” Bush recalled. “I carried the child from the prayer room in the back of the church out into the sanctuary . . . ‘Walk,’ I said gently to the three-year-old girl, ‘you will walk.’ And this girl took her first step. Then another, and another. She walked.

“Her grandmother walked into the sanctuary just in time to see the child take about two dozen steps. She screamed, and then she kept screaming,” Bush continued. “When she caught her breath, she looked at me in wonder and said ‘Praise God.’ She grabbed her granddaughter and walked with her out of the church.”

And that's only one of the miracles Bush performed.


With powers like that, why is she wasting her time as a member of Congress?


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