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Another Manhunt Underway for Person Who Left Tire Marks on Pride Mural

Pablo Alcala/Lexington Herald-Leader via AP

First, as an appetizer, check out this kid:

As we've reported, multiple manhunts are underway for people who've vandalized pride murals painted on the road. Spokane, Washington arrested three teenagers for leaving tire marks with their scooters. The next day, a reporter caught even more teens doing the same thing.

Here's the pride crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia. It's quite the production.

Libs of TikTok reports that Huntington hired a company to put up surveillance cameras around the mural. That didn't save it, though.

Three days after it was unveiled, security cameras caught a red pickup doing a burnout on the crosswalk. Police are searching for the culprit:

Currently, Law enforcement is currently investigating an incident captured on video on Wednesday evening, showing someone driving a red pickup truck doing a burnout and leaving tire marks on the Pride mural and crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia. This occurred less than three days after the crosswalk and mural were installed to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. The police are collaborating with Huntington Pride to repair the damage and have confirmed their awareness of the video. Authorities are reviewing the footage to identify the driver and are asking the public for any additional information to assist in their investigation. Local officials and community leaders have condemned the act.

I'm not sure which city was the first to get the bright idea to paint crosswalks in rainbow colors for Pride Month, but it's a stupid idea that spread nationwide. My city has them, which of course it does; it's 90+ percent Democrat.

This reminds me of 2020 when New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio blocked off a street, rerouted buses, and made it pedestrian-only after they painted a giant Black Lives Matter mural on it. 

This next post isn't about a pride mural, but it sums up the way I feel about them:

It still astounds me that we have an entire month devoted to celebrating a small minority's sexual orientation. Why?



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