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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee says she's still fighting against slavery today that still exists

OK, we lied when we said we were done with posts about Thursday’s House debate over the proposed Parental Bill of Rights, which would give parents transparency into their children’s school curricula and keep them informed of violent events that take place on campus. As we reported, Democrats argued that the teachers were the sacrificial lambs, the law would “terrorize” them, and that it would lead to the death of students.


A lot of Democratic members of Congress were vying for the dumbest take of all. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries had the most blatantly untrue ones when he said extreme MAGA Republicans didn’t want the Holocaust taught in schools. Rep. Hank Johnson said the notion that there was some chilling of parent’s rights was about as true as there being incriminating material on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

We’ll do one more post to highlight Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who apparently is going with the myth that if the Parental Bill of Rights were passed, schools would stop teaching slavery, or that slavery was bad. She’s still fighting it today — in which country she didn’t say.



Again, if the Democrats had any valid arguments against the Parental Rights Bill they wouldn’t have to make up a bunch of lies. It says a lot about what they think of you that they think parents getting more involved in their kids’ education is a bad thing and they should butt out.


Jackson Lee definitely makes our list of the top 10 dumbest members of Congress. Help us continue to expose these clowns — support our work so that we can continue to bring you the truth. Join Twitchy VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 40% off your VIP membership!


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