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President Joe Biden picks first woman, person of color as science adviser

As Twitchy reported earlier, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain announced another historic first from the Biden administration: for the first time in U.S. history, our currency will bear the signatures of two women. We’ll remember that as we burn wheelbarrows full of worthless bills for heat.


Someone mentioned in the replies that these “firsts” are getting tedious. So here’s another one: President Joe Biden has picked the first female person of color as his science adviser.

The AP reports:

President Joe Biden nominated the former head of two federal science and engineering agencies to be his science adviser, who if confirmed by the Senate, will be the first woman, person of color and immigrant to hold that Cabinet-level position.

Biden nominated engineer and physicist Arati Prabhakar, who during the Obama administration directed the James Bond-like Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) which came up with the Internet and stealth aircraft, to the science adviser job, which also includes running the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

They don’t even get around to naming who it is until the second paragraph.


She’s not a biologist.

The thing is, she actually does have some impressive qualifications … you just have to get past her sex and race to read what they are.


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