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Statue of Lewis & Clark and Sacagawea removed from Charlottesville after emergency council meeting

Remember when Baltimore literally took down all of its statues of Confederates in the middle of the night?


We’re now reading that Charlottesville City Council called an emergency council meeting to order at noon, and work crews arrived at the site of a statue of Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea soon after one and had the statue taken down by 2:30 p.m.

“The council had already voted to move the statue following discussion with Native American representatives, but it wasn’t going to be removed yet,” reports CBS 19. “This decision was reached Saturday because of the speed at which the contractor was able to remove the statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson.”

This was the subject of an emergency meeting? How long has the statue been up?

No, the Jefferson Memorial or the Washington Monument will be next.

That’s why Black Lives Matters activists and others demanded that the Emancipation Monument in Washington been toppled; Lincoln was pictured lifting up a former slave from bondage, but it still looked racist. (Boston took down its monument last December because it was making people “uncomfortable”).

In happier statue news:



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