As Twitchy reported earlier, Mayor Bill de Blasio gave a speech earlier at a Brooklyn vigil for George Floyd at which he was booed. As at least one person noted, you can’t hold a church service in New York City, even outdoors, but you can gather thousands for a Black Lives Matter vigil, apparently because, as de Blasio explained days before, 400 years of racism in America trumps opening your small business or going to church; they’re just not the same thing.
Now we have that woman from Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, still lobbying hard for the Democratic VP slot, marching in Detroit, and holding up her hands and chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” She does have a kerchief or something over her face, but she’s not observing social distancing.
.@GovWhitmer @LtGovGilchrist and Bishop Charles Ellis lead a group of marchers in Detroit honoring the life of #GeorgeFloyd. Marchers call out "hands up, don't shoot!" @wxyzdetroit @ABC
— Jenn Schanz (@JennSchanzWXYZ) June 4, 2020
As a lot of people are pointing out, “Hands up, don’t shoot” might be a Black Lives Matter staple, but George Floyd wasn’t shot, and the Obama Justice Department determined that Michael Brown didn’t have his hands up but was shot while rushing at police officers.
Are you kidding me? If she can ignore all her own social distancing guidelines, there is no reason the state cannot be fully opened. This is insanity.
— Andrew (@AndrewBGMorris) June 4, 2020
Is this the same @GovWhitmer in a big crowd of people that arrested a barber shop owner for not social distancing? #hoaxed #socialdistancing #Hypocrites
— Guy Haviv (@HavivGuy) June 4, 2020
She's not 6 feet apart. Guess it's ok for her though
— sheila cook (@dalechick12) June 4, 2020
And just like that, her bullshit stay at home or else narrative gets shot to hell in a lawsuit laden (one hopes) handbasket. #Hypocrisy thy name is Gretchen Whitmer.
— GMcK ?? (@gmckandie) June 4, 2020
She’s been a hypocrite from the beginning
— John Nada??? (@JohnNadaToldYou) June 4, 2020
I’m so sick of this. Quarantine is over.
— Carrie (@Carrie_Kelly17) June 4, 2020
Everyone in Michigan should go straight back to work tomorrow.
— Sam Spade Jr. (@MattLawmlb) June 4, 2020
@GovWhitmer is a hypocrite and supporting a false narrative. #FakeNews
— D Weez (@zrs9504) June 4, 2020
Don’t forget narcissistic and a sociopath
— John Nada??? (@JohnNadaToldYou) June 4, 2020
More lies and pandering.
— TWEETO BANDITO (@DjptrsnMana) June 4, 2020
Very fitting. Pushing a narrative on an issue that doesn't exist by chanting a phrase that doesn't exist.
— Chris Humble (@LorkonTheGreat) June 4, 2020
So… no social distancing, huh? And "Hands up, don't shoot" never happened. The meme is a lie. So, there's that, too.
— WTHuston (@WTHuston) June 4, 2020
Isn't that a myth? There was no "hands up, don't shoot", in the Michael brown case.
— Geoff_the_Railroader?? (@5150Midwest) June 4, 2020
But hands up, don’t shoot is a lie. It never happened. And that was determined by the Obama justice department. She’s stoking violence and racism. It’s disgraceful. And you’re supposed to be a journalist yet you allow this lie to continue.
— GayRepublicanDad (@steant_pros) June 4, 2020
Did someone shoot George Floyd?
— Regretful Tweet (@RegretfulTweet) June 4, 2020
— Bobby California (@bfinstock2_0) June 4, 2020
Shouldn’t her 15 minutes be up by now?
— Jean ? (@jks417) June 4, 2020
Getting some much needed exercise.
— Dale Cooper ?? (@AgentCoopr702) June 4, 2020
She can only hold her hands above her head in short bursts ??
— John Nada??? (@JohnNadaToldYou) June 4, 2020
Did she think her nails were wet?
— Stems & Seeds (@FlynnReggie1) June 4, 2020
We guess this protest is OK since it was outside and it wasn’t white supremacists storming the capitol with their AR-15s and spreading the coronavirus during their anti-lockdown protest.
‘Let us welcome, with respect…’: Mayor Bill de Blasio met with loud boos at Brooklyn vigil for George Floyd
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 4, 2020
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