It’s not a secret that 2020 hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand is on the pro-abortion bandwagon with the rest of her party, and even Joe Biden was eventually shamed (by his good pal Alyssa Milano?) into flip-flopping overnight and announcing he would repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal money paying for abortions.
But in this video, Gillibrand not only announces her intention to repeal the Hyde Amendment; she also guarantees there will be federal money available in all 50 states for “women’s reproductive care,” i.e., abortion.
Democrat presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand: "I will guarantee you … we will have federal money available so that you can receive … abortion services in all 50 states and you could do it directly through your medicare-for-all policy"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) June 15, 2019
She’s still polling at 0 percent, but we’re not sure just how far left frontrunner Biden will move to appease the same Democrat voters.
Thank goodness she will never be president.
— Anthony Marella (@AntMarella) June 15, 2019
No thank you.
— Diane@PROUDCITIZEN (@gatorz2000) June 15, 2019
When did we, as a country, “progress” from a ‘chicken in every pot’ to ‘I will kill your baby for free’?
Do Progressives even know what the word Progress means?
Where does this perverse ‘progress’ lead to? Where does it end?— Scott Finke (@scotfinke) June 15, 2019
This doesn’t work for me. I don’t need access to abortion services so I’ll keep my money and use it for something else. Voting for @realDonaldTrump @POTUS
— Derek J Bell (@DerekJasonBell) June 15, 2019
Hard pass
— Nicholas Winslow (@NKwinslow) June 15, 2019
“Abortion is our number one medical procedure priority in the country and we’re going to see that it’s covered even if nothing else will be!” Vote for the Dems! Makes me want to vomit.
— Ann (@Msragarcia) June 15, 2019
Ghastly remarks from her.
— Ellejay (@emeraldctyange2) June 15, 2019
Nothing will stand in the way of her getting rid of all those pesky American babies.
— Brad (@BradSwensrude) June 15, 2019
Why should taxpayers pay for killing babies?
— Phil Adams (@padamstx) June 15, 2019
Ideas so good they have to be mandatory…
— ElaineFox (@ElaineFox) June 15, 2019
I don't need on demand abortion, so I think I'll MAGA 2020
— Jason (@BEARDY4LIFE) June 15, 2019
Federal money means taypayer's money meaning our money regardless of our belief system or objections. Evil walks among us in the form of political candidates…
— Gary L McArdle (@GaryLMcArdle1) June 15, 2019
We want jobs, not abortion services.
— Ana Scott?? (@bucharest98) June 15, 2019
Thank you @SenGillibrand for planning to spend my tax $$$ to kill babies without considering if I’m on board with that. Smart move!!!
— Rosemarie Maatsch (@RosemarieMaats1) June 15, 2019
I think some of these candidates will be surprised how many Democrats are not that far left.
— Zachary Derrick (@Madboy76) June 15, 2019
If you like your baby you can keep your baby
— Andy O'Bryan (@andyobryan) June 15, 2019
This is appaling! We need #prolife tweeters with large following bases to call for organized protests at local city councils, county board of supervisors, state capitals and congressional offices. There is no uniformity in protest and laws are being passed each week against life
— Meggs Myers (@HopealwaysRene) June 15, 2019
Careful about posting ultrasounds; Twitter seems to be cracking down.
Man, they are obsessed with killing babies. Some point in the future Americans will look back and say WTF.
— Back in the USA (@BackintheUSA_us) June 15, 2019
Planned parenthood makes more than enough money from the sale of body parts that they are self sustaining. They don’t need gov money.
— Wanda Woman (@alphaMOMster) June 15, 2019
Planned Parenthood doesn’t sell baby parts … anymore. Maybe.
— Susan Batsinelas (@suesbats) June 15, 2019
If a woman is pregnant her reproductive organs are working just fine and don't need "care". Her and the father need to start buying diapers.
— Jonny Vicious (@ThatDudeGigs) June 15, 2019
'This is psychotic': Pro-abort train wreck Kirsten Gillibrand gives 'one of the worst answers to a Q about abortion ever'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 11, 2019
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