That whole thing earlier today about turning the United States Postal Service into a national non-profit bank for the “unbanked” and “underbanked” and people of color was just another of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ many ideas to fix the horrible mess that is capitalist America — it wasn’t an actual legislative proposal.
And now her first actual legislative proposal, the one which didn’t even get a single yet vote from its Democrat co-sponsors in the Senate, doesn’t count as an actual legislative proposal anymore … this does, though:
First major legislative proposal from Rep. @AOC, calling for 15% cap on credit card interest rates, gets backing from 2020 presidential hopeful
— Roll Call (@rollcall) May 9, 2019
We remember that one big resolution she introduced was kind of a big deal at the time … are we not talking about that anymore?
We’re just gonna forget that whole green new deal resolution and subcommittee proposal happened, huh?
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) May 9, 2019
Guess we could get into semantics about what constitutes a “legislative proposal,” but it’s advocates insisted it was legislation until it became so embarrassing that it evolved into a statement of principles.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) May 9, 2019
— Christian Chamberlain (@C_R_Chamberlain) May 9, 2019
— Corey (@SkateLaceBite) May 9, 2019
The other one was a fairy tale
— Brian (@mrbpconnelly) May 9, 2019
The $93 trillion fairy tale that was going to cost each household in America $600,000 to implement?
Soooooo….the new green deal was just a bad dream?
— gustavo (@greeneyed_cuban) May 9, 2019
— Some guy tweeted something ??♂️ (@jtLOL) May 9, 2019
— BobFromEastBoston (@Coach_Bob_1956) May 9, 2019
Great reporting on this, her first proposal.
— privatefight (@privatefight) May 9, 2019
yep totally the first one, good work
— Tyler Scott (@BruisingPrune) May 9, 2019
Hilarious Millennial Journalism. If we pretend it didn’t exist, then it never happened (Green New Deal)
— Lemonhead (@Coug4094) May 9, 2019
Solid fact-checking, good stuff.
— SPACE FORCE ONE (@JayBradz) May 9, 2019
Is this first major legislation more realistic than her last first major legislation?
— VG Philosophy (@VGPhilosophy) May 9, 2019
So the new green deal she made a video about wasn't the first.. #FakeNews
— Jesse Rochford (@jesserochford) May 9, 2019
what do y'all think the Green New Deal was
— Jake Wilkins (@JakeWilkns) May 9, 2019
Trying to gaslight Americans into forgetting the Green New Deal debacle, I see…
— Henry (@HMSPitts) May 9, 2019
Did the green new deal not happen or?
— Cocaine Mitch (@FIlevered) May 9, 2019
Why would you want to cover up her first one? Oh yeah.
— Gary Collard (@LakerGMC) May 9, 2019
Remember? 0 Yes votes.— BurghFeeder (@BurghFeeder) May 9, 2019
If by first you mean, her *actual* first legislation got ZERO votes, then yeah totally.
— Shelby (@GreatShelbini) May 9, 2019
Hmm. I seem to recall another large, garbage piece of legislation that she proposed. It even got a vote in the senate if I do recall…
— Not the GOP (@AmericaFirst125) May 9, 2019
No, you don’t remember it. And you certainly don’t remember all the senators currently running for president rushing to co-sponsor it and then voting “present,” never to speak of it again.
She’s the one with the economics degree, right?
Better headline: "Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders promote cap on number of people who will be able to get credit cards."
— Jonathan Miles (@Jmiles1749) May 9, 2019
How about a cap on how much people can spend using a credit card? A cap commensurate with, say, how much a person can actually afford to spend each month? If a person can't pay off a credit card in a month or two, they're financially doomed… and it's no one's fault but theirs.
— ying things (@markyingling4) May 9, 2019
She must have been living on credit cards prior to winning the golden ticket.
— Drain Bamage (@IsDrainBamaged) May 9, 2019
If it becomes law credit card companies will be more selective as to who they issue credit cards to. Years later there will be congressional inquiry into why some people are being declined…
— Man-Bear-Pig (@Man_Bear_Pig3) May 9, 2019
— Nietzsche's Horse (@NM_Barbarian) May 9, 2019
No need for this law. Just don't get into credit card debt. Easy.
— Matt Millburn (@MattMillburn) May 9, 2019
I'd like to see any evidence that people make more responsible purchases/charges when they have lower interest rates. 30% or 15% APR makes little difference if you can't afford to pay 0% of what you owe.
— BAMF (@IsBad4U) May 9, 2019
Does AOC know that you can avoid interest charges entirely by paying off the whole bill each month?
— Suziquu (@Suziquus) May 9, 2019
— Ishan Singh Minhas (@ishanminhas) May 9, 2019
Good luck, congresswoman, on this, your first major legislative proposal.
Please RUN on this! AOC was confused by a garbage disposal but her #postalbanking idea is totally NOT crazy at all (watch)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 9, 2019
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