CNN hosted a town hall featuring Bernie Sanders Monday night, and oddly, just about the same time that news was breaking that Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro was holding journalist Jorge Ramos against his will, Sanders was refusing to call Maduro a dictator.
Wolf Blitzer Presses Bernie Sanders: Why Haven't You Called Maduro a Dictator?
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) February 26, 2019
Not only is he cutting off the supply route for humanitarian aid to his own people; now he’s detaining journalists because he doesn’t like their video of citizens eating out of garbage trucks. But no, he’s not a dictator.
.@BernieSanders said tonight that he refuses to call Maduro a dictator because there are still some ”democratic operations in Venezuela”
At least we now know what the ”democratic” part of ”democratic socialism” would look like.
— The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) February 26, 2019
At least we wouldn’t have to worry about America going socialist under a President Sanders. Oh, wait …
Bernie Sanders refuses to call Maduro a "dictator."
When asked if he could guarantee America will never become a socialist country if elected, he refuses.
At every turn, Democrats are embracing Bernie’s socialist policies.
Do they also agree with these radical positions too?
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) February 26, 2019
And this is the guy who consistently comes in second behind Joe Biden whenever Democrats are polled on their ideal candidate.
Not a dictator? What does he call a leader, who detains Univision Journalist Jorge Ramos, because the leader didn't like the questions being asked?
— Island Girl (@IslandG30914568) February 26, 2019
Burning trucks with food and water, detaining journalists, starving your people, and executing dissidents is democratic as fuck.
— Matt Parsons (@mattparsons24) February 26, 2019
Then there's no dictators. You can always find "some democratic operations", including North Korea and Nazi Germany.
— Xizhi Zhu (@xizzhu) February 26, 2019
SOB. What’s democratic about Venezuela?
— Molly (@Molly7882) February 26, 2019
Everyone needs to reject this man, his policies are a danger to our country.
— Lisa B (@Lisabcajunlady) February 26, 2019
Bernie Sanders is no AOC. He has been in Congress for nearly three decades. He knows exactly what he is talking about. He is purely evil and power hungry.
— Joshua J. Gershfield (@gershfield1) February 26, 2019
Time for ole' Bernie to pack it in and just enjoy his 3 mansions and private jet before we deport his ass to Venezuela.
— jon ? (@jonrosenlof) February 26, 2019
Dan Pfeiffer says calling out Bernie Sanders’ private plane eco-hypocrisy is ‘unfair and petty’ (and people have thoughts)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 25, 2019
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