If you’ve been following Twitchy this week, you’ve probably noticed a whole lot of posts blaming white women for the failure of the blue wave that was supposed to recapture the House and Senate. It’s you undereducated, suburban and rural women who keep voting to keep the patriarchy in place to protect you who are the problem, but libs think they can change you.
Last we checked on activist Chelsea Handler, she was posting a semi-nude selfie to encourage people to get out and vote. After the election, she too was posting screenshots of the demographic breakdowns to show that white women once again failed their sisters of color.
59% of white women voted for Ted Cruz. I don’t know what it is going to take for us to be sisters to other women, but we have to do better than this. We need to vote for the best interests of others, and stop thinking only about ourselves. pic.twitter.com/y2k6KAucr6
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 7, 2018
Who wants to tell her that her beloved Beto O’Rourke was the privileged white male in this race?
So you want women to vote based on an officially determined set of criteria rather than think for themselves?
Why are you upset that 59% of white women voted for an Hispanic man? https://t.co/9Xhgnset7G
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) November 10, 2018
You people are SICK!!!! No one, not you or anyone else, is going to DICTATE my vote! I do NOT have to justify it! Maybe the left should start treating ppl as INDIVIDUALS instead of checking off boxes for your bizarre, identity-based, dictatorial politics. Unreal!
— Lisa (@Flyingright1) November 8, 2018
You are spot on! My vote is my vote! Don’t demonize and dictate to me! I’ll vote my vote.
— tina.swan333 (@tina38581486) November 9, 2018
I will proudly always do the opposite of anything you say. You are so out of touch.
— Megan Medo (@MeganMedo) November 8, 2018
We don't want to be "sisters" with you – just too crude. We are not part of a collective and think for ourselves – thank you very much.
— Lynne Lepine (@LepineLynne) November 8, 2018
My sisters and I all vote Republican. Come join us, sister!
— Amy Thompson (@writerwrites) November 8, 2018
Which they did. Called being an individual. They voted how they wanted to and just because you disagree doesn’t mean that they voted wrong.
— Timothy (@x102reddragon) November 8, 2018
Thanks for telling me what my best interest is. ?
— thought criminal (@herThoughtCrime) November 8, 2018
Don’t want your sisterhood ….
— Ann Jenkins (@AnnJenx) November 9, 2018
I’m a woman and I believe I have the right to vote the way I feel is the best interest for me.
— Sheryl Hammonds (@HammondsSheryl) November 8, 2018
Texas women are the best
— Bernie Dutcher (@BernieADutcher) November 8, 2018
How about we embrace democracy and free will to choose? Celebrate all these wonderful freedoms we have that generations before us couldn’t even dream of.
— EJ (@ejackson79) November 8, 2018
Looks like they did vote in their best interest
— Sarah Watts (@sarahewstts) November 9, 2018
hispanic women also voted for him bc he holds the values that many of us uphold
— Yesy777b (@si_doble) November 9, 2018
When did everyone forget about one vote? You get a vote, I get a vote, everyone gets a vote – and it's theirs, not yours. You don't get to say how anyone else votes. Ever. Just stop this nonsense.
— Riette (@RiettedeKlerk) November 9, 2018
It looks like 59% choose who they saw fit. Maybe you should join them instead of thinking of yourself?…
— DonBruiser (@TheDonBruiser) November 8, 2018
They voted for the more genuine of the two. Definitely the more "latin" candidate but you do you and keep voting for democrat beta males who marry into money.
— Jeff Williams (@JeffWil32637615) November 8, 2018
They were thinking of others, that's why they didn't vote for Beto the joke. They wanted a "real" candidate in office.
— R. Lowry Croxdale (@bbqshark) November 8, 2018
A vote is for oneself! It’s not for others. I don’t vote for you. I vote for myself. I vote for what I believe in. I vote for the society I want my daughter to live in. Voting for a democrat is not something I will ever do again, bc of ppl like you and the fake hysteria. Grow up.
— Diesel (@EBdiesel08) November 8, 2018
I thought voting was exactly for people to choose what they wanted. I can't believe I didn't realize my vote isn't actually mine. Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways.
— Context (@The13thNumber) November 9, 2018
Texas ain’t none of your business
— Beverley Baker Baertich (@BevBevbaer78) November 10, 2018
I'm a single, white, independent, strong, intelligent, woman. What the hell does race or gender have to do with who I vote for? Stop labeling people! I vote for who I want to based on their character, beliefs and agenda I believe in. Could care less what color or gender they are!
— Gina Serena (@Gina_Realtor) November 10, 2018
I was one of them. I voted for my best interests. Freedom is better than socialism.
— Hillary’s Lost Shoe (@Alisha09261833) November 8, 2018
Why do liberal celebrities act so intolerant of those who believe differently than they do? Maybe they have different values than you. What do I have in common with a multimillionaire NY/CA woman with multiple homes, a chef, a trainer, a stylist, a housekeeper, & an assistant?
— dana paul (@danapau15739149) November 9, 2018
59% of us believe he is best for our country. Many of us also believed that John James of Michigan was best for us. What’s your problem?
— Doodly Doo Girl (@GirlDoodly) November 9, 2018
Many of us have no desire to be a part of any "sisterhood" with you & TBH you're really just an embarrassment to us all. You most certainly do not speak for all women.
— Shanon Pittman (@Honkylips) November 8, 2018
I would never vote for Beto. I'm white, college educated, a mom, wife and professional….and he does not speak for me nor do I agree with his platform. I think maybe the Chelsea Handlers of the world need to step out of their "environment" and get real with the masses of people
— Jacque McDonald (@Jacque_McDonald) November 9, 2018
You @chelseahandler are not my white sister. I disagree with everything you say and do. Just because we are white does not mean we are sisters. Please go back into the woods with your sister @HillaryClinton
— SandyMc (@sandymc50) November 8, 2018
Oh, by the way, how’s that move to Canada going?
— Robert Williams (@trebwar) November 9, 2018
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