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Second thoughts? Democrats starting to regret burning millions of dollars on just Beto O'Rourke

Beto O’Rourke, the Senate candidate so cool that he rode a skateboard on stage at his rally Saturday in Corpus Christi, is looking more and more like John Ossoff 2.0. Hollywood’s favorite Texan is still down by about 9 points against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz, where he’s been hovering for a while. And now it looks like Democrats are having second thoughts about burning all their campaign money in one place.


That might as well be the New York Times saying that, but it’s actually a quote from Democrat strategist Matthew Miller:

“It’s great that O’Rourke has inspired so many people and raised so much money, and if he can spend it all effectively in Texas, he is well within his rights to do so,” said Matthew Miller, a veteran Democratic strategist and Texas native. “But he could have a huge impact for the party by sharing some of it with the D.S.C.C. so it could be spent in states where candidates just need a little extra to get over the hump.

“It will be bad for everyone, Beto included, if he finishes his race with money in the bank when that money could’ve helped elect Democrats in Missouri, Tennessee or North Dakota,” Mr. Miller added.

The Times reports that O’Rourke has raised $38 million in the last three months alone, which is certainly impressive, but some of that is coming in from grassroots supporters in states that also have competitive races and where the candidates could use some assistance. Maybe O’Rourke could slip a couple of those sweet Beto millions to Claire McCaskill?

Blue wave? We’re not getting that vibe from this Times piece. But the comments from O’Rourke donors are brutal — they donated to O’Rourke and that’s how they want it and screw the DNC.


Don’t let any of his devotees hear you say that out loud is all we’re saying — Democrats tend to form angry mobs quickly.


Yes, please, keep sending money to Texas. After that skateboard stunt today, he’s got this.

Here’s one outlier from all the replies to the Times’ story:



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