Dana Loesch gets an insane amount of really nasty hate on Twitter, and we usually see her respond to it with a gentle “God bless.”
But today it was an appearance on Fox News that gave one tweeter a great idea.
.@DLoesch: "We have the right to defend ourselves, not just at home but also when we're out and about." pic.twitter.com/voQO2EmCEu
— Fox News (@FoxNews) July 26, 2018
Call the cops on her when she's out and about. She's armed and looking to hurt people that disagree with her. @DLoesch + @NRA = ? https://t.co/SHaGFY2wN0
— james i jennings 3D (featuring Sleepy Brown) (@jimiseadawg) July 26, 2018
Something tells us James should get a job at a movie theater, because we suspect he’s great at projection.
Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the ratio. pic.twitter.com/mdZsfu9teK
— Amy Curtis (@RantyAmyCurtis) July 26, 2018
Armed, not sure. Triggering the insecure, absolutely ?
— Problematic Pleb (@ProblematicPleb) July 26, 2018
Wow, aren't you a tool? Call the cops on her? Why? To harass her? To waste the time of the police? Because you're a douche?
— Victoria Marie (@Victorious1397) July 26, 2018
This is actually an illegal activity you are advocating. It’s called “swatting” and it gets people killed. YOU are advocating for violence. Stop. This person should be banned from twitter and this tweet stricken. https://t.co/ScEMtvqte6
— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) July 26, 2018
You're advocating for someone to commit a felony…..
— Habitual Linestepper (@FergusFSU) July 26, 2018
That would be making a false report.
— Stewart Lieber (@ltdad613) July 26, 2018
You might want to reevaluate your decision making that led you to post this tweet. Then, just after that, look up Sec. 37.08 of the Texas Penal Code.
— MoonValleyTX (@MoonValleyTX) July 26, 2018
You do realize that it’s illegal to make false calls to the police for the sake of harassing someone who is exercising their Second Amendment rights?
— James ✝️??? (@james_deuso) July 26, 2018
Pretty sure this is targeted harassment.
You are blatantly attempting to get someone hurt that you don't like.— John C Thiel (@JohnSmiles1961) July 26, 2018
I think you should start calling the cops now. Don't wait, and keep calling…over and over again. Hurry up!
— Harvey C. (@harvesterc) July 26, 2018
Yes. Please file a falsified police report.
— Jeromi Birtikidis (@JBirtikidis) July 26, 2018
Knock yourself out there sunshine. Let's see how this goes for you.
— Greg Baird (@TallCool1) July 26, 2018
Your call to action could be illegal and cause harm by redirecting police resources away from actual need. You should think first… Always!
— JerBear (@jerwarri) July 26, 2018
So you would rather harass the police department making false claims and in the process risk someone else lives that might actually really need the help from the police. Unbelievable. Get some help please
— John T❌⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@JohnTalalotu) July 26, 2018
Sure, and when someone close to you needs emergency response from the police who were instead out responding to your calls against personal political opponents, we can revisit this advocation.
— Paul Rowe (@PaulRoweNV) July 26, 2018
Hey wasting police resources and illegally creating false reports makes you a SUPER SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR! Here are your virtue signal points! YAY!!
— Chad Hill (@ChadHillPhoto) July 26, 2018
Do you not understand what "defend" means?
— Call me a secular heretic (@Nalienation) July 26, 2018
— B'sC'sSoxPats-Yup! (@RedDFredDFla) July 26, 2018
I don’t think she or any NRA members are out “to hurt” anybody!
— BDM (@Uncle_Batman_67) July 27, 2018
I don’t see any @NRA members out here “looking to hurt people who disagree with us”. Unlike some people, we don’t treat mere disagreement as a threat to our entire existence.
— Sugarcane (@SugarcaneSpeaks) July 26, 2018
I’m armed every day (a holster in my purse). We aren’t looking for people to hurt, even if those people disagree with us. That’s beyond absurd. We just refuse to be victims of others who *are* out to hurt people. This isn’t difficult. @ChrisLoesch @DLoesch
— Laura Whittington (@laura_jones1987) July 26, 2018
I carry every single day, never with the intention of hurting someone but rather SAVING my family or others in an active shooter situation. Legal gun owners are NOT the ones out hurting people. We would do everything we could to save you if you needed it.
— Jen?? (@Mom03Fer) July 26, 2018
ABC – Always Be Carrying ????
— Steven with a V (@813Steven) July 26, 2018
This seems…. stupid
— 82Brew (@rodgers_jeff) July 26, 2018
This is a candidate for dumb tweet of the week. https://t.co/RVgW8HsCiB
— Brandon (@PHXCards11) July 26, 2018
What a ridiculous thing to say. Law Enforcement officers are not yours to use as a prank. Your “inclusion not exclusion” in your bio only applies to people who think like you apparently.
— Sean Cameron (@scriptcomes1st) July 26, 2018
Dana is armed all the time, and has been for years. Please list the names of everyone she's shot. I'll check back later.
— Todd Dimmitt (@TADinKaty) July 26, 2018
If gun owners wanted to harm people that disagree with them, there wouldn’t be any. https://t.co/VlS98qeW91
— Sick of it (@mishu424) July 26, 2018
And yet she never hurts anyone.
— brig blake (@brigblake) July 26, 2018
Where are the reports of her ever harming anyone?
— Tim O (@weeniewawa) July 26, 2018
@DLoesch isn’t a leftist, Jimmy. So she doesn’t seek to hurt people that disagree with her.
Bless your heart. https://t.co/VaqclpJ36v
— Amy Curtis (@RantyAmyCurtis) July 26, 2018
Child please… be still. Adults can walk around with weapons to defend ourselves. We are responsible. Look at you telling people to break the law. Behave before you get into trouble.
— Jeramey Bullock (@JerameyBullock) July 26, 2018
And the dumbest tweet of the day goes to ?? https://t.co/geJn6oVWYe
— ??Lucy?? (@greeneyedlucy84) July 26, 2018
@Twitter @TwitterSupport @jack you approve of someone calling for others to commit an illegal act on here potentially placing people in danger? Is it ok because, as we all know, you approve of just about everything your fellow liberals do right? https://t.co/quvD32xLB5
— Ginger Roots (@JudgeJanna) July 26, 2018
"Conversational health work." ~ @jack https://t.co/r6xQsbVjN6
— Blame Big Government (@BlameBigGovt) July 26, 2018
Seriously dude, put the bong down.
— MARK (@FEDUPVET12) July 26, 2018
Making false calls to police to harass citizens is illegal and a waste of taxpayer resources. Be a better person than this. https://t.co/4AY6JOjT8n
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 26, 2018
Ninth Circuit rules that Hawaii's ban on open carry of weapons is unconstitutional https://t.co/9IBA0AEGVL
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 25, 2018
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