After he posted that topless selfie to Twitter, it would be only fair for the rest of the Internet to do its best to make Geraldo Rivera gag in return, and on Saturday he revealed just how to do it: mock those more “nuanced” tributes to Fidel Castro that are making the rounds.
Conservatives mocking nuanced view of #FidelCastro make me gag-What do they say about @realDonaldTrump? #RonaldReagan? RichardNixon? #Elvis?
— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) November 27, 2016
As all of those #TrudeauEulogies going around Saturday demonstrated, it’s difficult to come up with a “nuanced” take on the death of Fidel Castro without overlooking just about everything he did to assume power in Cuba and then retain it for decades. How Elvis Presley factors into this equation isn’t quite clear.
Yes, the brutal, murdering, rights-denying communist dictator Elvis Presley.
— The Most Freedom (@Russell_Davis13) November 27, 2016
Castro was responsible for the death of thousands.
— Victoria Sturdevant (@iamvics) November 27, 2016
there is a distinction. Only one guy, Fidel Castro, had others who disagreed w/ him, imprisoned or killed by firing squads!
— Olivia (@HammarOlivia) November 27, 2016
you're an idiot. Of those people, only Castro murdered opponents by the many thousands. @realDonaldTrump
— Mark C, austere BBQ scholar ?? (@UntraceableMC) November 27, 2016
Trump, Reagan, Nixon, and Elvis never killed anyone for disagreeing with them. Nuance doesn't apply
— My Strength (@my__Shield) November 27, 2016
Castro killed many thousands, kept his people poor, without freedom. Slight difference. How do you have a job?
— Kevin Diescher (@kevindiescher) November 27, 2016
ill state my opinion when all of them also run a self serving brutal dictatorship for 50+ years
— victor rodriguez (@vjr97) November 27, 2016
you are insane. Fidel was a murderer and a thug hiding behind a revolution and brought misery to Cuba.
— PDid (@FreePat62) November 27, 2016
You're pathetic. There's no "nuanced view" of a totalitarian mass murderer.
— Will Collier (@willcollier) November 27, 2016
it's like saying Jeffrey Dahmer had a nuanced palate….. #fidelcastro
— Congressional Medal of Respondix ? (@respondix) November 27, 2016
Who qualifies for being considered plain evil? Pol Pot? Stalin? Hitler? Anyone?
— Brandon Fedor (@authenticMrF) November 27, 2016
You need to stop. Any view except that he was a murdering dictator won't fly.
— MINA ??? (@Mina001) November 27, 2016
Stop. This is a feeble attempt to stay relevant and it is an epic fail.
— Peggy (@mypuppy11) November 27, 2016
What makes me gag are Castro apologists.
— Taro Tsujimoto (@RCannon74) November 27, 2016
Have another drink the man was a monster
— Kimberly Cleveland (@Blooms5325) November 27, 2016
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