The mainstream media at large might not be paying attention to the series of undercover videos showing incidents of organ harvesting at Planned Parenthood, but the organization itself seems to be taking them quite seriously. The standard claim that the first video was “heavily edited” didn’t work its usual magic, as people discovered that a nearly three-hour version of the same lunch meeting had been posted at the same time.
The Center for Medical Progress has since released eight videos, each more horrific than the last, and shows no signs of stopping. Planned Parenthood must be taking this “attack” on its business seriously, as the Huffington Post reports that the organization has hired independent research firm Fusion GPS to perform a forensic analysis on the videos.
Fusion GPS did was it was paid to do, finding the videos “so distorted” and manipulated that it has warned Congress not to rely on them as part of any investigation into Planned Parenthood. Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood, said Thursday that her organization is considering legal action against the CMP — something they’ve already threatened but have yet to initiate.
.@HuffPostPol: 'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch I'm sure @PPact will be happy to get this into court, then?
— Sleve McDichael (@SeahawkBurrrton) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch @PPact Discovery should be a kick.
— Sleve McDichael (@SeahawkBurrrton) August 27, 2015
@CecileRichards @HuffPostPol So is "heavily edited" no longer operative?
— MyIQ2xu™ (@realmyiq2xu2) August 27, 2015
That depends — the Huffington Post reporter still refers to the videos as “heavily edited,” which if true makes the hiring of a forensic analysis firm to comb through them frame-by-frame a tremendous waste of time.
@CecileRichards @HuffPostPol This is what we call #propaganda. How are you liking your swastika?
— Shelly (@Kishkenaly) August 27, 2015
@CecileRichards @HuffPostPol They failed to report that the firm is a Democratic Opposition Research Firm
— FEMA Resident #20314 (@FEMA_Resident) August 27, 2015
He’s not kidding — that one attached screenshot comprises the entire FusionGPS website.
Dana Loesch isn’t buying the “totally manipulated” line either.
@DLoesch they just wish people to be blind to this, BUT WE ARE NOT, played in court, these people would be locked up, period, period
— larry baker (@bakerlarry84) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch Yeah that just screams integrity doesn't it
— Chip Hassell (@chcobra95) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch and yet, they don't deny anything said in the videos….or point out/correct any "context" claimed to be distorted.
— Ty Barrow (@TyBarrow) August 27, 2015
What I want to know is did Planned Parenthood pay these totally neutral researches with baby legs or did they convert that to currency?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch They probably paid them with taxpayer dollars.
— Fake Noose (@LetItBurnUSA) August 27, 2015
@DLoesch I believe they were charged an arm and a leg.
— Aware & Uncompliant (@RoadbikeRon) August 27, 2015
Also not impressed by the work of FusionGPS: the Center for Medical Progress.
Center for Medical Progress Calls Planned Parenthood-Commissioned Video Analysis ‘Complete Failure’ via @scanlon_kate
— Katrina Trinko (@KatrinaTrinko) August 27, 2015
The Daily Signal reports that CMP’s David Daleiden issued a statement claiming that “Planned Parenthood’s desperate, 11th-hour attempt to pay their hand-picked ‘experts’ to distract from the crimes documented on video is a complete failure,” adding, “The absence of bathroom breaks and waiting periods between meetings does not change the hours of dialogue with top-level Planned Parenthood executives eager to manipulate abortion procedures to get high-quality baby parts for financially profitable sale.”
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