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Study: Universal masking in schools may help mitigate the effects of structural racism in schools

The erosion of credibility of scientific magazines and journals — e.g., the journal Nature finding that assigning gender by the genitals one is born with “has no foundation in science” — continues apace. Just last year, the New England Journal of Medicine came out against harmful sex designations on birth certificates.

Now it’s 2022, and the New England Journal of Medicine has published a new study advocating for universal masking in schools. The authors of the study look at the incidence of COVID-19 among students and staff when universal masking requirements were lifted in the greater Boston area, which is fine. But the money quote is the line about mitigating structural racism in schools.


In the abstract, the authors write:

… Districts that chose to sustain masking requirements longer tended to have school buildings that were older and in worse condition and to have more students per classroom than districts that chose to lift masking requirements earlier. In addition, these districts had higher percentages of low-income students, students with disabilities, and students who were English-language learners, as well as higher percentages of Black and Latinx students and staff. Our results support universal masking as an important strategy for reducing Covid-19 incidence in schools and loss of in-person school days. As such, we believe that universal masking may be especially useful for mitigating effects of structural racism in schools, including potential deepening of educational inequities.

How about no.




The researchers probably asked for a grant for the study and were told to juice it up a little … can you get any systemic racism or transphobia in there to make it relevant to today’s audience?


Editor’s Note: Republican voters deserve answers and accountability for the failed red wave.

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