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Democrats funneling millions into Evan McMullin campaign might not be getting their money's worth

We’ve been hearing more about the Evan McMullin Senate campaign in Utah than we’ve been hearing about Beto O’Rourke’s gubernatorial run in Texas, which we’re guessing means the mainstream media still thinks McMullin has a chance. Reuters recently looked into how McMullin could become “a key US Senate power broker.” Fox News’ Juan Williams wants us to “think of Evan as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars trying to blow up the Empire’s starship.” Among his supporters are Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger and former presidential candidate Andrew Yang.


The Associated Press reports Monday on the millions Democrats and tech moguls are pouring into the McMullin campaign.

Sam Metz reports:

Tech leaders and Democratic Party-aligned groups are among those funneling millions into Utah to support independent Evan McMullin’s bid to unseat Republican Sen. Mike Lee.

The race has been inundated with outside spending, with super PACs unaffiliated with either the Lee or McMullin campaign spending heavily on glossy mailers and attack ads on the local affiliates of the four major television networks in the lead-up to the midterm elections.

The sheer amount of money pouring into the race reflects how McMullin has turned Utah from a political afterthought to a legitimate battleground. The outside spending supporting him also illustrates the traditional partisan dynamics at play in the independent-versus-Republican race and the emerging reality that some Democratic Party-aligned groups and donors see McMullin — an anti-abortion conservative — as one path toward preventing Republicans from retaking control of the Senate.

An anti-abortion conservative? Yeah, McMullin’s gone pretty squishy on that issue.

A lot of people in the comments seem to think that @BasedMikeLee is the senator’s account. It doesn’t matter; a new poll shows that those millions pouring into the race aren’t making the difference the donors think they’re making:



McMullin seems to be determined to be the perpetual loser that Beto O’Rourke is. Start out running for president and then work your way down.


Editor’s Note:
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