As Twitchy reported both last night and today once it was clear that Glenn Youngkin was going to defeat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, progressives are convinced Youngkin’s a racist who attracted racist white suburban moms in hysterics over critical race theory, which isn’t even real. Kirsten Powers agreed with CNN’s Brianna Keilar “1000 percent” that “dog-whistle racism” contributed heavily to Glenn Youngkin’s victory. Exit polls showed voters were very concerned about “education,” which Joy Reid explained is code for “white parents don’t like the idea about teaching about race.”
Progressives obviously haven’t learned that calling voters — who turned out for Joe Biden in 2020 — racists isn’t winning them over on issues. Joey Jones has some truths that the Democrats should take to heart, but they won’t.
The “big lie” progressives are trying to sell is that American culture is reduced to White culture. As if to suggest only white Americans support individual rights, the value of family, the sanctity of life, or the dignity of work. Those things are anything but a racial monolith
— Joey Jones (@Johnny_Joey) November 3, 2021
Notice how no one in the media is talking about Winsome Sears’ victory in Virginia — she may be a black woman, but she’s adjacent to “whiteness” as a conservative Republican. So as Wajahat Ali said, “Whiteness remains undefeated.”
Is it supposed to be defeated? Critical race theory would say so if it were real.
So tired of it. We all are, and now it’s evident. I’ve never seen it so divided in my life.
— Jen Costa (@jenc05006436) November 3, 2021
Sooooo spot on! ✅
— Diana (@Luckytobeme3) November 3, 2021
— Michelle Stone (@IltjTX4ever) November 3, 2021
Latino here and i support those rights and family values!
— manuelcarrera3 (@manuelcarrera31) November 3, 2021
How'd you get so smart country boy?
I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Good, old-fashioned common sense goes a long way these days doesn't it?— 🇺🇲Michael (unfiltered)🗽 (@M77013476) November 3, 2021
Progressives have no qualifications for their propaganda.
— Melton Freely (@FreelyMelton) November 3, 2021
What we're seeing, Joey, is that people just ain't buying that crap anymore! Congrats to Youngkin, Sears and all through the down ballot in Virginia. And for Marine, Lt. Gov-elect Sears, OOH-RAH and Semper fi!
— Tee Rickey (@NiblickAdMan) November 3, 2021
No one on the Left wants to acknowledge how many of those “angry” parents at school board meetings are people of color; the grift only works if you picture whites from the suburbs.
Kirsten Powers agrees with CNN’s Brianna Keilar ‘1000%’ that ‘dog whistle racism’ contributed heavily to Glenn Youngkin’s victory
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 3, 2021
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