As Twitchy reported, both Sen. Rand Paul and Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin went after Dr. Anthony Fauci over the alleged gain of function research going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded in part by the NIH. Rogin put it pretty succinctly the other day:
Hey guys, @RandPaul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn't meet their "gain of function" definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism. SorryNotSorry if that doesn't fit your favorite narrative.
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) July 20, 2021
Fauci has been making the media rounds and stopped by Fox News to talk to Neil Cavuto, who asked him about Rogin’s reporting.
Fauci is now on Fox justifying gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab and argues it was “highly recommended”
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 23, 2021
Fauci: Funding the Wuhan lab was a “good and proper scientific decision”
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) July 23, 2021
Some four million dead people beg to differ
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 23, 2021
Fauci’s argument, essentially, is that the scientists doing the research are well-respected.
Speaking to @TeamCavuto, Dr. Fauci hits back at @JoshRogin and @RandPaul, saying that the Wuhan funding and gain of function research discussion is "more complicated than [what's being said]…Those scientists were well-respected in the scientific community internationally."
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 23, 2021
Rogin responds:
Fauci is deflecting by attacking a straw man; nobody is saying the Chinese scientists are bad people. The fact is they can’t tell the truth or their government will jail them or worse. If Fauci doesn’t get that, he was even more naive about working in China than we thought.
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) July 24, 2021
Deflecting is kind of what he does.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 24, 2021
— Rune Linding (@RuneLinding) July 24, 2021
— Guy Named Len (@theChapLen) July 24, 2021
— Phil Grain (@GrainPhil) July 24, 2021
He’s not naive, he knows exactly what would happen.
— Teedub70🇦🇺 (@teedub70) July 24, 2021
Oh he gets it, Josh.
— Hal Furman (@HalFurman) July 24, 2021
0% chance Fauci doesn't get that
— Frost Fangs (@frostfangs2) July 24, 2021
Not naive; mendacious and duplicitous.
— Paul Brassey (@pbrassey) July 24, 2021
"It's complicated" – that sums up everything. Please don't stop Josh. Amazing job so far. Let's continue to determine root cause.
— Vince Buenaventura (@brucewayne21) July 24, 2021
Being a well respected scientist by the CCP doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies. It’s actually the opposite.
— Aaron Jordan (@The_AaronJordan) July 24, 2021
This guy’s arrogance and patronizing is really starting to grate on my nerves.
— Katie Scarlet (@Katiescarlet2) July 24, 2021
Relying on peer review to fund Chinese military lab… Just isn’t a good excuse
— 🍊🕺SKYHELMET🤷♂️🚀⚒🧨💣💊#1⚡️⚡️ (@Ghalfpipe) July 24, 2021
He knows exactly what he’s doing and saying. It’s time others besides yourself and @RandPaul put the pressure and question everything this guy has ever touched.
— #🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@theleftislying) July 24, 2021
The question is simple, “Is gain of function testing safe and ethical?” And clearly the answer is no. We have literal real world consequences now to show us it was a bad idea.
— brOTalitarian (@sloppyjoehotdog) July 24, 2021
“Follow the science” crowd, doesn’t want to follow the science when science leads straight to WIV.
— Jake Petrovic (@jake_zeljko) July 24, 2021
He does not understand how China works. Plain and simple.
— Patina Lake (@LakePatina) July 24, 2021
Fauci like many top government bureaucrats simply doesn’t get the real world. He operates in a bubble. His opinion of himself started out unjustifiably high. 18 months of fawning politicians and media has warped it further. The man is simply out of touch.
— StephenMills (@Stephengm99) July 24, 2021
Fauci crushed and dismissed Trump's conspiracy theory, but didn't downplay it…
— InMyHumbleOpinion (@IMHO1969) July 24, 2021
Good find.
What a lame excuse by Fauci. No where do you attack the scientist character or call them bad.
You can be a highly respected scientist worldwide and still make mistakes that lead to a lab leak. It’s a crying shame that congress hasn’t put Fauci up to much more scrutiny.
— Drew Hawk (@WeGotOneBich) July 24, 2021
Fauci is so obviously conflicted. Whether he did anything wrong or not how is he even still in this position?
— BadB0ySp00ky👻 (@BadB0ySp00ky) July 24, 2021
Fauci is not used to such scrutiny. He’s used to saying whatever the hell he wants to advance his agenda. Glad people are finally starting to hold him accountable
— Janie Scorpio (@ScorpioJanie) July 24, 2021
There is no reason on earth that lab should have been doing gain of function research. Fauci funded it because that research was banned in the U.S. He's clearly got a fetish for creating superviruses, and that makes him dangerous in my view.
— Samuel Culper 722 (@politiwars) July 24, 2021
Which is worse? He is lying or he is stupid?
— Voodoo 6 from JOC Inyanga (@6Voodoo) July 24, 2021
What an unimpressive fraud he is.
— Koozie McVulvasteen (@McVulvasteen) July 24, 2021
Remember when Fauci argued that if you were questioning him, you were essentially questioning science itself?
Josh Rogin thread pulls back curtain on how and why reporters dumped on lab leak theories (all while ‘pretending to be objective’)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) May 29, 2021
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