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'Utter propaganda': New York Times reports on Republican-led states trying to 'ban' how the role of slavery can be taught

Despite numerous historians asking the New York Times to make “prominent corrections” to the award-winning 1619 Project, it’s now being used in thousands of schools across the country as part of the curriculum. In response, President Trump announced his own 1776 Project, with the aim of instilling civic pride in students while still teaching history. Despite the 1776 Project not actually existing, critics explained that it would ban schools from teaching slavery.


We’ve already done a post on Christopher Rufo today in which he owns The Bulwark’s Charlie Sykes, but a tweet of his from Sunday is worth a look as well. The New York Times did a piece on Texas, which is “awash in bills aimed at fending off critical examinations of the state’s past.” Just like the critics of the 1776 Project, the New York Times says nearly a dozen Republican-led states “seek to ban or limit how the role of slavery and pervasive effects of racism can be taught.” They would also ban lessons that teach “that any state or the country is inherently racist.”

No one has suggested schools not teach the history of slavery in America. What states oppose is Marxist-based lessons in which students arrange themselves in a hierarchy of oppression, labeling themselves as the oppressor or the oppressed, and to which degree. What they’re fighting is math classes which teach that focusing on getting the right answer and showing your work is based on “whiteness” and white supremacy and instead using math class to teach segments on “Power and Oppression” and “History of Resistance and Liberation.” Your new math questions? “Where does power and oppression show up in our math experiences?” and “How is math manipulated to allow inequality and oppression to persist?” This is not made up.





The story was already written before any research into the subject was done.


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