As Twitchy reported Friday, TIME Magazine published quite the eye-opener in the form of a piece entitled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election.” In short, “a well-funded cabal of powerful people” worked together behind the scenes “to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media and control the flow of information.”
Journalist Tim Pool posted about the story and ended up tagged with a warning that you couldn’t interact with his tweet “due to a risk of violence.” Once again, the mainstream media either ignored or cheered the violence that burned down cities all summer long, and yet Twitter is using the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 to clamp down on what you can say or share.
I don't think this even matters at this point. Time magazine just came out said that a cabal of elites rigged the election
I'm sorry they said they didn't rig the election they "fortified" it, by changing the rules and laws as well as manipulating the flow of information
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) February 5, 2021
This tweet may be snarky but its factually true Time said this
Twitter has published a false statement of fact
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) February 5, 2021
We get why Twitter clamped down on the New York Post’s Hunter Biden piece during campaign season, but Pool is just repeating exactly what TIME reported. If this claim is disputed, take it up with TIME — or better yet, take down their account for weeks.
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) February 5, 2021
risk of violence…
— Michael Lambert (@mflambert) February 5, 2021
It's all about "Context" now
— Tommy "Doc" Leal (@RealTommyLeal) February 6, 2021
when's twitter gonna ban Time
— Dan Zoom (@RealDanZoom) February 5, 2021
— SkateMore… Stocks?? (@SkateMoreSpots) February 5, 2021
I wonder if they realize they are proving the Time article true by placing the disclaimer. ?
— The Not So Hollywood Maven (@Hollywood_Maven) February 5, 2021
“Due to a risk of violence”. Imagine shattering the illusion of freedom and Twitter’s main concern is keeping the illusion real. ?
— TurkeyFace (@turkeyface77) February 5, 2021
When the Thought Police have a slow day they troll Twitter looking for a fight.
— Troy A. Sing?? (@TroySing) February 5, 2021
And just like that Twitter proves Tim's point.
— Christopher (@PCBear451) February 5, 2021
They don’t even try to hide it anymore
— Kevin Dibonaventura (@KevinDibonaven1) February 6, 2021
Twitter is just doing their part to fortify the election bro.
Kinda hilarious actually that Twitter did this to your post.
— Leif Fish (@LeifFish) February 6, 2021
Putting the election aside, I find the admission that big money collaborated to control the flow of information FAR more insidious.
— Scout (@reginambr) February 6, 2021
Guys we should just say "fortified election" every time. Beat them with their own terms.
— FlyinSquirrel (@N7SpectreStatus) February 5, 2021
This needs to stop. What in the hell is going on.
— Pain with no gain (@DarkCloudll) February 5, 2021
@TwitterSafety either stay consistent and ban @TIME or cut the crap and let people reference their work.
— Craig nunyadambidnes (@cyberdeathninja) February 5, 2021
P.S. I don't want @TIME banned.
— Craig nunyadambidnes (@cyberdeathninja) February 5, 2021
It is true!!! It was told by employees at election sites!!!
— Michael Olimpio (@MichaelOlimpio9) February 6, 2021
Tim got censored by the Cathedral.
— Phillip Uzzell (@PhillipUzzell) February 5, 2021
I'm frightened to like this post in case I become irrationally violent.
— JaneyC (@JaneyCMJ) February 6, 2021
And you can’t like or retweet it either.
— Ukguy (@ukguy4) February 6, 2021
They were just "fortifying" your statement
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) February 5, 2021
No label on Time’s tweet. ?
— Mike Rockwell (@mdrockwell) February 5, 2021
Stop promoting violence Tim…
— James ?? (@JamesHuskers) February 5, 2021
These word games are infuriating. They change words and think that changes meaning. I hate the overuse of Orwell, but this is by definition Orwellian, and more heinously, those engaging in it are openly bragging about what they did, knowing there's nothing anyone can do.
— Aydin Paladin? (@AydinPaladin) February 5, 2021
It's crazy that they blocked likes, comments, and only allow quote tweeting, no retweets. They control the flow of information to such a disgusting degree.
— Anonymous Idiot (@bavil82) February 6, 2021
I don't necessarily believe in voter fraud, but I do believe in the plausibility of it. Twitter's big mistake is that they're grasping at straws to kill an idea, and history has proven that's simply impossible. It's out there, and Twitter's going to have to come to terms with it
— Jim Classic (@jimclassic) February 5, 2021
All of the mainstream media banded together to brand it a sin to even question the election results.
If this article doesn’t infuriate you, either:
1. You don’t have a heartbeat
2. You are anti- or un-American— PyrØ (@pyr0lyZer) February 6, 2021
So now Twitter is policing content that might lead to violence?
‘Is that a fancy way of saying they rigged it’? TIME magazine piece admits the quiet part about the 2020 election OUT LOUD (and wow!)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 5, 2021
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