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'Hold the line': Drew Holden posts a Brett Kavanaugh flashback thread detailing 'the depths to which the other side will sink'

We thought this from Bloomberg was worth a chuckle. Just as Democrats and the media always do an image rehabilitation of the Republicans they once did their best to destroy (e.g., John McCain, Mitt Romney), some of those in liberal circles who still revile Justice Brett Kavanaugh are now saying he’s emerging as the “unlikely liberal hope” for the Supreme Court.


We’re sure there’s no one in the Twitchy audience who’s forgotten the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, but Drew Holden has put together a pretty comprehensive thread reminding us just how low the Democrats and the media sank in their attempt to scuttle Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

There’s former prosecutor Kamala Harris contending “we all know” that Kavanaugh lied under oath.


Julie Swetnick’s televised interview; she and Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Avenatti sure gave it their best.

“Her testimony was heroic.”

We remember the fifth accuser … the one who recanted and apologized.


We remember the Washington Post interviewing a guy who went to the high school down the street from Kavanaugh’s school to attest to what a breeding ground for sexual predators it was.

“… if any [stories] of gang rapes or ‘trains’ of men assaulting drunk/drugged women are true.”



One final note:

The question now, if there are hearings and the Democrats attend, is how they’ll handle trying to destroy a female nominee. As we’ve seen, Newsweek and Reuters both have tried to plant “The Handmaid’s Tale” in the minds of people when they picture Amy Coney Barrett … and that’s just the mainstream media warming up.



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