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Who wants to see documents from a three-day reeducation camp for white men to undo their 'white male culture'?

We featured Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal contributing editor, once before, when he shared documents from diversity training given to Treasury Department employees with the goal of converting “everyone in the federal government” to “antiracism” and getting them to pledge “allyship” amid the George Floyd tragedy.

Trainers claimed that “virtually all white people contribute to racism” and insisted that white employees must “struggle to own their racism” and accept their “unconscious bias, white privilege, and white fragility.”

Now Rufo is teasing another leak of documents from federal diversity training, with this batch intending to get white men to undo their “white male culture.”

Yes, we want a thread!

We’re looking forward to the thread, and especially which federal agency hosted this training and how much it cost taxpayers.



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