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Illinois state representative calls for a halt to all history classes 'until a suitable alternative is developed' that doesn't lead to white privilege

Illinois State Rep. LaShawn K. Ford on Sunday issued a press release titled, “Rep. Ford Today in Evanston to Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools.” His own title is somewhat misleading, though, as he doesn’t want history classes banned forever; he just wants “a suitable alternative” to the current curriculum that “overlook[s] the contributions by Women and members of the Black, Jewish, LGBTQ communities and other groups.” (Note: like Black, “women” is apparently capitalized now as well.)


If the tweet is misleading, again, blame Ford for issuing a press release calling for the “abolishment of history classes in Illinois schools.” His words.

Ford was joined by “leaders in education, politics and other areas” as he made his announcement. His press release reads, in part:

Concerned that current school history teaching leads to white privilege and a racist society, state Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, will join local leaders today at noon at the Robert Crown Center in Evanston to call on the state to stop its current history teaching practices until appropriate alternatives are developed.

“The miseducation of our children must stop,” said Meleika Gardner of We Will. “It is urgent that it comes to an end as we witness our current climate become more hostile. Miseducation has fed and continues to feed systemic racism for generations. If Black History continues to be devalued and taught incorrectly, then it will call for further action.”


The concern about teaching black history correctly is pretty sad when so many school districts, including Chicago public schools, have adopted the New York Times’ fact-challenged 1619 Project into their history curriculum. Maybe it’s better not to teach history at all if that’s the only alternative.



So history classes are part of the white supremacy problem that’s plaguing the Chicago area?



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