Seriously, mainstream media; here’s a chance where you could do some good. Instead of always interviewing someone from Portland’s Wall of Moms or Wall of Veterans, or posting behind-the-scenes pieces on the iconic nude “Portland Athena” photo, use your media credentials to get inside the barrier around the federal courthouse the rioters are intent on burning down and embed yourselves with the federal agents. Don’t disclose their names, but do disclose who they are. Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security has to keep correcting media outlets that they are not troops and they’re not paramilitary.
This headline and others like it are grossly inaccurate & irresponsible.
Our officers are not "paramilitary." They are civilian law enforcement doing their job — enforcing federal law.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 23, 2020
Of course, civilian law enforcement doesn’t sound as evil as “stormtroopers” and “secret police” as Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called them (and claimed they’re “kidnapping” protesters over “graffiti”).
Anyway, both the public and Congress really could use a briefing on just who these people are. At first, the claim was that they were wearing “unmarked” uniforms, even though just about every photo disproves that. We mean, look at this:
Besides the flag on backwards, can anyone tell me what the horse patch under means? This is on the uniforms of Trumps stormtroopers
— HippieChick (@kathy_markovich) July 25, 2020
Is it? Because that’s a stock photo from the Dissolve agency with their watermark all over it. Has anyone seen it in the wild in Portland? Oh, and the flag’s not backward.
Why lie?
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 25, 2020
Why does the gray patch have a watermark over it?
— eiggaMydaL (@eiggaMydaL) July 25, 2020
Because it’s a stock photo.
This is a stock photo available at Dissolve. You should truthfully identify material that you post about serious issues.
— Perpetual Student & Teacher (@BTonine) July 25, 2020
"This is on the uniforms of Trumps stormtroopers"
Uh-huh. So why are there stock photo watermarks on the image?
— Rather Notsay (@rathernotsay) July 25, 2020
Anybody notice the watermarks on the picture?
— Darlene Thomsen (@dschwir) July 25, 2020
You posted a stock photo in order to incite people. You’re a bad person inside
— Go Full Auto (@GoFullAuto) July 25, 2020
Are there any photos from Portland of this insignia?
The backwards flag is a sign of the devil. The horse is what these devils eat after they kill 10 unsuspecting peaceful protesters. The fires are set by the devils to cook the horses on. After the horse is consumed they dress in black and take pictures for Tucker Carlson.
— Bubba Neal (@rtobuck) July 25, 2020
You're an idiot.
— Duchess of Broken Hearts AnnaD (@AnnaDsays) July 25, 2020
The flag isn't on backwards. On a uniform that is a flag in the charge as in moving towards a battle. The horse is a symbol for the Calvary. Their history started on horses and now use helicopters. The can be army or national guard. That uniform looks like national guard.
— Mystic Memories (@memories_mystic) July 25, 2020
I just showed this to my son, a guard member. He says this is a stock photo of a 1st Cav patch, but it can't be legit because there is no name on the pocket. Are you sure this is from Portland?
— Sue Gosland????? (@SueG907) July 25, 2020
1st Cavalry Division, combat service, assigned to Fort Hood, Texas.
Old uniform. The Army's been using a different camo pattern for a few years now.
— S.G. Lucky: ONE PISSED OFF AIR FORCE VET! (@NewMexicoGunman) July 25, 2020
That's a stock photo and the flag is not backwards for the sleeve that it is displayed on. The blue field is always towards the person's front.
— Silence and Frost (@secjr112) July 25, 2020
Other people have noted this is the correct flag patch for military. It represents the way the flag would look as troops advance.
— nwhepcat Unidentifiable Troops on US Soil=Fascism (@nwhepcat) July 25, 2020
It's a stock image of an Army Cav infantry uniform lifted from an unrelated website (see other posts for the link to the site). This thread is confusing at best (misleading at worst), but definitely adds nothing and is useless to the discord.
— Matthew Keenan (@TheRealMKeenan) July 25, 2020
The flag is NOT backwards. US soldiers are expected to ADVANCE. THE flag on the combat uniform is displayed ON PURPOSE to appear as would a flag on a pole held by a bearer when CHARGING.
— TheMad@er (@StevenBlide) July 25, 2020
It’s probably not someone active. The print is different now and they phased it out last September.
— Steph? (@Reptarro) July 25, 2020
No nametape and phased out ACU's. Ever heard of ar670-1? Its a stock photo. 1st cav and right side wear flag, all normal. Do an ounce of research for crying out loud
— B ???? (@brianh5201) July 25, 2020
So using a stock photo of a uniform that is no longer in use, totally not trying to push an agenda with lies
— Joe, son of James (@LakesFirearmsTr) July 25, 2020
“Very disturbing if true.”
This is very disturbing if true. This means actual ARMY units are being dispatched and are acting against their sworn oath to protect the country and its people. They are disgracing their uniforms. And it's disgusting.
— R.L. (@MightyResistor) July 25, 2020
They are not storm troopers. Using that term so loosely is an insult to the victims of the actual storm troopers.
— Franciscan Poet (@FranciscanPoet) July 25, 2020
In any case, here’s Wolf on Friday’s night’s destruction:
Day 56. Last night six DHS law enforcement officers were injured in Portland. To be clear, criminals assaulted FEDERAL officers on FEDERAL property…and the city of Portland did nothing.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 25, 2020
It’s time Portland join other responsible cities around the country to hold criminals accountable and protect federal property and officers.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 25, 2020
Rep. Maxine Waters suggests to Joy Reid that Portland is a ‘trial run’ for what happens if President Trump refuses to accept an election loss
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 23, 2020
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