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Biden campaign wants President Trump to reimburse taxpayers for his press conference slamming Biden

As Twitchy mentioned earlier, CNN’s Jim Acosta claimed that President Trump had “soiled” the Rose Garden during a press conference in which he went off on Joe Biden’s progressive policies. The Hatch Act even trended on Twitter as Democrats accused Trump of violating it by campaigning on the job. Acosta called it a bait-and-switch.


Now we’re hearing that the Biden campaign wants Trump to reimburse taxpayers for his campaign-style speech.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield said Trump’s speech Tuesday sounded more like a politician who sees “his re-election slipping away” than that of a president. She added he seemed frustrated he can’t host large, boisterous rallies because of his “botched response” to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The American taxpayer should be reimbursed for the abuse of funds this spectacle represented,” Bedingfield wrote in a statement.

We’d be perfectly fine with Trump cutting a check to the U.S. Treasury in exchange for press conferences like Tuesday’s, but we’re not sure how much he’s supposed to pay.



We don’t know why Acosta was moaning; CNN cut away from the presser anyway:


That would be something. It must be nice to be Joe Biden. All you need to do is sit quietly in your own home while handing 100 percent of the job of beating up your opponent to the mainstream media, who are happy to do it.


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