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Talking Kamala Harris, MSNBC panel seems to confirm that Democrats are racist and sexist

We’ve seen plenty of hot takes today about how Kamala Harris dropping out of the presidential race for 2020 means the next Democratic debate will be all white people. That led Lauren Duca to declare, “White supremacy is not just a Fox News problem, folks.”


But if white supremacy was the reason Harris dropped out, it must be Democrats who are the white supremacists, directing their donations to white male candidates like Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders.

MSNBC convened a panel Tuesday afternoon to discuss Harris leaving the race, and seemed to come to the same conclusion: Harris was both black and a woman and thus faced a double-edged sword — wielded by Democratic voters.

Women might be held to a different standard, but Native American candidate Elizabeth Warren is a top-tier candidate and a viable threat to both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

It might be true that black women face a different standard. After all, Stacey Abrams lost her election by 50,000 votes and is still the rightful governor of Georgia, or so Democrats believe.





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