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Huh: Hero lawmaker who disrupted Trump's Jamestown speech has a lot of deleted posts about Israel

As Twitchy reported earlier Tuesday, President Trump was in Jamestown, Va., for an event commemorating the 400th anniversary of the first representative assembly in the western hemisphere, but his speech was interrupted by delegate Ibraheem Samirah, who went on to Twitter to brag about it: “Nobody’s racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite,” Samirah tweeted.


Speaking of tweeting, it appears Samirah has done his share of it in the past, but a lot of those tweets have been deleted … maybe they became problematic when he went to volunteer for Rashida Tlaib?

Fox News reports:

… Samirah, a Palestinian-American, has his own history of controversial comments — specifically related to Israel.

The Washington Post, in February, reported on a series of Samirah’s social media posts from 2014 that have since been deleted.

In another post from 2014, after former Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon died, Samirah wrote: “Ariel Sharon, burn. Burn a million times for every innocent soul you killed. Hell is excited to have you.”

Samirah also reportedly posted comments about Israeli teenagers, sharing an article about how Israel uses social media and dating apps to “legitimize murder,” writing: “Most Israeli teenagers not only want to cover up the murders in their name, but they have young urges that need to be released somehow! Tinder’s perfect for that.”

Samirah, who was a former volunteer for Tlaib, also is reportedly connected to multiple anti-Semitic organizations.

Sounds like a swell guy. Virginia’s lucky to have lawmakers like him and Ralph Northam to keep racist and hateful Trump at bay.


Griswold was dead on.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

A Washington Free Beacon investigation found in early 2019 that Samirah has connections to many anti-Semitic organizations and that his father is a organizer for the terrorist group Hamas.

Samirah himself spoke at a Hamas-related conference in 2018 and is a fervent supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel. He urged friends on Facebook in 2014 to support the BDS movement while Israel is “most exposed.”

While studying at American University and Boston University, Samirah participated in Students for Justice in Palestine, saying that the organization helped convince students that “Israel REALLY sucks.”

Samirah has said that he takes his inspiration from his father, whom Al Jazeera described in 2011 as a “leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan.” Samirah posted on Facebook in 2018 that he is “inspired by my father” to “dedicate my life to the liberation of Palestine.”

Samirah volunteered on Rep. Rashida’s Tlaib’s (D., Mich.) national campaign in 2018 and hopes to win reelection to the Virginia House of Delegates later this year.



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