As Twitchy reported earlier Monday, something really seemed “off” about a story that was going around about 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg. On Medium, someone claiming to be a 21-year-old gay man named Hunter Kelly alleged that he was sexually assaulted by Buttigieg. As we noted, only the shadier sites were running with the story, and it was being pushed pretty hard by David Wohl, father of Jacob Wohl, the guy who’s always overhearing things in hipster coffee shops.
It seems that Jacob Wohl has been busted for trying to find young men who will accuse Buttigieg of sexual assault. Lachlan Markay of The Daily Beast says he has a recording of one of those conversations.
NEW: Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have been trying to recruit young men to falsely claim they were sexually assaulted by Pete Buttigieg.
One recorded their convo and gave us the audio.
Another says allegations published today in his name are bullshit
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) April 29, 2019
Last we checked on Wohl he was reporting a death threat to the Minneapolis Police Department — a threat he allegedly wrote to himself from a fake account he created, posing as a nonexistent gay Hispanic “diversity coordinator.” So, yeah.
Lachlan Markay, Kevin Poulsen, and Noah Shachtman report:
A Republican source told The Daily Beast that lobbyist Jack Burkman and internet troll Jacob Wohl approached him last week to try to convince him to falsely accuse Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, of engaging him sexually while he was too drunk to consent.
The source who spoke to The Daily Beast said Burkman and Wohl made clear that their goal was to kneecap Buttigieg’s momentum in the 2020 presidential race. The man asked to remain anonymous out of a concern that the resulting publicity might imperil his employment, and because he said Wohl and Burkman have a reputation for vindictiveness.
But the source provided The Daily Beast with a surreptitious audio recording of the meeting, which corroborates his account. In it, Wohl appears to refer to Buttigieg as a “terminal threat” to President Donald Trump’s reelection next year.
Remember when we all had a good laugh when Democratic strategist Elizabeth Spiers assumed conservatives found Wohl one iota more credible than Jussie Smollett?
Jacob Wohl pulling a Jussie Smollett is so on brand
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) March 13, 2019
She must have overheard that in a hipster coffee shop somewhere.
Wohl also appears to have set up a company, Potomac Intelligence, to use in the scheme, complete with fake LinkedIn pages. Minutes after I called him and Burkman, the website was taken down, the LI pages deleted, and both its phone numbers disconnected
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) April 30, 2019
Wow. So here’s a FB post from Hunter Kelly, who supposedly accused @PeteButtigieg of sexual assault in a Medium post. Kelly says he was absolutely not assaulted & never accused Buttigieg. Daily Beast reports Jacob Wohl, Jack Burkman behind it. This is so disturbing.
— Amanda Prestigiacomo (@AmandaPresto) April 30, 2019
Is this a re-run?
— Robin (@purtybirdee) April 30, 2019
— addie bjornsen (@abjornsen) April 30, 2019
How is Jacob Wohl not behind bars?
— Stormy4Ever (@stormybienville) April 30, 2019
Good work, is the kid from Michigan one of these, or is that an actual person? I didn’t know if they’re connected.
— Aaron et politica ingenio (@peekaso) April 30, 2019
The world’s worst (and dorkiest) criminal strikes again.
— Shugar (@GregShugar) April 30, 2019
How is he not being charged over these? Don't tell me recruiting people to falsely accuse rape is not a crime.
— Todd Poirier (@todd_poirier) April 30, 2019
Isn’t this like the fifth time Wohl has attempted this gambit?
— Chad Nicholson (@ChadNicholson10) April 30, 2019
And hes failed each time. If only jacob could understand the irony of him putting “intelligence” in the name of all of his fraudulent companies…
— Sheriff Jason, War Criminal, Attorney At Law. (@SonOfADoug) April 30, 2019
I saw this coming actually
— JJJJJJJJJJJ (@jayjhisaurus) April 30, 2019
I don't understand why he isn't in jail yet for his charade where he did the same thing to Robert Mueller. Why is he not being prosecuted???
— MarylanDan (@RealHBoots) April 30, 2019
Please, PLEASE tell me this will come with some jail time, at the very least Some kind of punishment and not just another slap on the wrist.
— Mica Haivell (@HiCallViaMe) April 30, 2019
People have suggested Wohl and Smollett be forced to live together and do community service.
strange things are afoot at the hipster coffee shop
— ?? (@trotskyjetski) April 30, 2019
Wait, so accordingly to this article, this is, like, political scam #4 in the past year by Wohl?? Why the hell isn't he in prison right now?
— Adam Tierney (@adamctierney) April 30, 2019
Did you ask why the @PeteButtigieg campaign isn't suing? Should be their civic duty to do so. Even if it's dumb it's still an attack on democracy and should not go unchecked. @Lis_Smith
— Stefan Buczko (@StefanBuczko) April 30, 2019
This is getting absurdly tedious.
— DonnaD (@DonnaDudz) April 30, 2019
Wohl is so bad at…everything.
— Scott Fenstermaker (@ScottTheFenster) April 30, 2019
"this is the Fyre Festival of political operations"
Sounds about right
— Tonjee (@Tonjee_f) April 30, 2019
This type of thing makes me want to just walk away from politics completely.
What possible good is our work if two rich sociopathic people feel perfectly entitled to intentionally destroy a man's life like this?
Am I doing any good at all?
How do you fight this cruelty.— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) April 30, 2019
Jacob Wohl accuses Daily Beast reporters of libel over article on Surefire Intelligence
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 3, 2018
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