As Twitchy reported earlier, Marvel’s new superhero flick “Captain Marvel” was screened for critics and is getting a lot of thumbs up from reviewers who really didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about the movie.
For some reason, feminists have really taken “Captain Marvel” to heart, seeing as it’s the first Marvel movie with a female star — but that doesn’t guarantee that it won’t suck. Feminist site The Mary Sue noticed one thing: all the negative reviews are coming from men. So misogyny is at play here, just as they suspected?
All the negative reviews for #CaptainMarvel are from men…
— The Mary Sue (@TheMarySue) March 5, 2019
Except they’re not, though.
— Adam Trahan (@AdamTrahan) March 5, 2019
The thing is, a 10-second search on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes shows that plenty of women aren’t recommending the movie. TIME’s Stephanie Zacharek, the Associated Press’s Lindsey Bahr, and Us Weekly’s Mara Reinstein all gave it a “rotten” score.
If you're going to lie about something, don't lie about something that can be refuted with one look at the Rotten Tomatoes page.
— J.S.R. Rayburn? (@jsrrayburn) March 5, 2019
Abject, demonstrable lies. As of five minutes ago, among RT's female "Top Critics" the film is rated 62.5% fresh (5 positive reviews, 3 negative), versus the 68.75% fresh rating (11 positive, 5 negative) it holds with RT's top male critics.
(PS, I'm looking forward to the film.)
— David Kirk West (@DavidKirkWest) March 5, 2019
Not accurate remotely, the negative reviews from top critics are comprised of 37.5% female.
— Scarilian (@Scarilianvids) March 5, 2019
Literally the first two that come up at RT for me:
— Ernie Tedeschi (@ernietedeschi) March 5, 2019
So these two are men?
— Jedi Lukee (@I__Jedi) March 5, 2019
Are you and the writer assuming the gender of the reviewers??!!— Keith Stafford (@KStafford67) March 5, 2019
Well, other than the negative reviews from women, sure.
— Shane Styles (@shaner5000) March 5, 2019
This is a blatant lie.
— Name Cannot Be Dank (@NugFunnie) March 5, 2019
Not true. You just want to cause a problem between men and women so you can complain about it for clicks.
— Scotty Potty (@HTX_Con) March 5, 2019
a) not true
b) who the hell cares?
— Brad Chadwick IV (@YourGOPnephew) March 5, 2019
Except for the number of negative reviews that are from women.
This is @TheMarySue directly lying to its followers.
— CKent (@CKentDP) March 5, 2019
Your pants are busy incinerating entire cities
— Dieuwert Wubbe (@DieuwertWubbe) March 5, 2019
— Hafersten (@Hafersten) March 5, 2019
— Bored_In_America (@Bored_In_USA) March 5, 2019
— Mr_Gent (@cfloatthegent) March 5, 2019
It's cute how you don't use anything to back up the argument.
— Stephen (@MadHere106) March 5, 2019
— J Gerry (@IslandKing63) March 5, 2019
— Miguel Angel (@mayormyke) March 5, 2019
No, all the negative reviews for Captain Marvel are from professional film critics. They also happen to be from both men and women.
I'll give you a moment to think about how absolutely bigoted and backwards that title is.— CKOTOMHΔΗC ΔΑΡΚCΕΙΛΟC (@TotalGyros) March 5, 2019
"Any woman who dares to have an opinion will have her vagina card revoked, by us, the grand council on who gets to be a woman or not." – What you sound like when you dismiss women as men for their opinions.
— Ganbare, Bendilin (@AmfrienbianEppe) March 5, 2019
Oh stop it. Man up.
— Michele Schiesser (@MicheleSchiesse) March 5, 2019
Should we expect a retraction today, or tomorrow?
— Casey Arneson (@ctarneson) March 5, 2019
Maybe the movie just didn’t do as good as it was supposed to…you ever think of that?
— @bryankepler (@bryankepler1) March 5, 2019
How dare you men have a different opinion than what some woman demands you have?
— Loren (@LorenSethC) March 5, 2019
I realize this is not “my lane,” as the kids say, but the idea that identity should dictate response has always struck me as creepy.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) March 5, 2019
Spoken like a white cis male
— Conserving "Conserving Conservatism" Conservatism (@jtLOL) March 5, 2019
wow, says the straight white male!
— Natalie Johnson (@nataliejohnsonn) March 5, 2019
Maybe it's a bad movie
Just maybe
— johann. (@_Ruckerish) March 5, 2019
Men don’t like bad movies confirmed.
— Polish Hammer (@HardPolack) March 5, 2019
So by all means let's shame men out of taking their sons to see the movie this weekend.
— Prof. Mark Youngkin (@mayoungkin) March 5, 2019
Delete your website.
— Mounteban/k/ (@Jimityjam) March 5, 2019
Seriously, who cares?
White male haters and their toxicity not welcome at ‘Captain Marvel,’ but there’s a catch
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 3, 2019
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