As Twitchy reported late Friday night, Andrew Lawrence, a senior researcher for Media Matters, tweeted a clip from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” in which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez policy adviser Robert Hockett allegedly debunked “all the conservative media lies” about the Green New Deal straight to Carlson’s face, especially the one about guaranteeing economic stability for those unwilling to work:
Watch what happens when Tucker Carlson steps out of the conservative bubble and brings on an @AOC policy adviser who debunks all the conservative media lies straight to his face (spoiler: it doesn't go great for Tucker)
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) February 9, 2019
Spoiler: It doesn’t go great for Andrew Lawrence or Media Matters.
In that clip, which has been retweeted nearly 10,000 times, Hockett claims that Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal did not include economic protections for those “unwilling to work” and claimed that the phrase came from a “doctored document.”
But now, in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation, Hockett admits he was in the wrong:
“It appears there was more than one document being discussed yesterday, only one of which I had heard about with any definiteness by last evening after a long day of media appearances — namely, the one referred to by the Congresswoman in her tweet,” he wrote. “I regret that we seem unknowingly to have ended up speaking about different documents for a minute during our longer and otherwise ‘on-the-same-page’ conversation last night.”
Neither Media Matters nor Ocasio-Cortez’s office returned requests for comment by press time.
As Twitchy reported, Ocasio-Cortez herself tweeted Saturday that there are “multiple” doctored versions of the resolution and the FAQ floating around — which is funny, because NPR is still hosting the FAQ document sent to them directly by her office but that was taken down from her own website.
Hoo boy. This aged quickly and badly.
— Christopher Walker (@chriswalker_12) February 9, 2019
— Mitch (@mitdont) February 9, 2019
Hockett conceded that he was in the wrong in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation on Saturday.
— kerry ⭐⭐⭐ (@K1erry) February 9, 2019
What you wrote is not accurate. Is this misinformation or disinformation?
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 9, 2019
Hi Andrew. He has emailed Daily Caller admitting he was wrong. Suggest maybe you do the same here.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) February 9, 2019
Narrator: He won't
— NANC (@Nanc___) February 9, 2019
Don’t hold your breath.
— Lois Cayce (@LBC1983) February 9, 2019
What's the over/under on him deleting the tweet instead?
— Soapbox Pundit (@Soapbox_Pundit) February 9, 2019
Being liberal means never having to say you're wrong.
— ApoliticalNaples (@ApoliticalN) February 9, 2019
I was feeling twinges of sympathy pain for the stupid that was torturing that fellow. Good thing it was a short clip or I may have gone into full a blown dumbassery attack.
— Deploribus Unum 0331 (@patrickdurham2) February 9, 2019
The aide has admitted that he was wrong and Tucker was right. Where is your correction?
— Donald Knicely (@dknicely1) February 9, 2019
WATCH: A policy adviser for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez straight-up lied to Tucker Carlson on Friday night
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 9, 2019
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