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Father of 7-year-old who died in CBP custody says agents did everything they could to help her, has no complaints

We were gonna post this tweet one more time just to see how many retweets it’s gotten today (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was one), but it looks like “proud undocumented & unafraid Mexican-American” and “intersectional feminist” Erika Andiola deleted it — likely because her claim that 7-year-old Jakelin Caal Maquin had “died alone” in a CBP detention facility was an outright lie. She died in a hospital with her father by her side and doctors trying desperately to save her.


CNN’s Jake Tapper revealed Saturday night that Guatemalan Consul Tekandi Paniagua had spoken extensively with Jakelin’s father, who said that border agents did everything they could to save the girl.

So this idiot who neglected to give his daughter food and water as he dragged her across the desert has no complaints about how he was treated by the Border Patrol and admits they did everything they could for his daughter, who was too far gone to save once she’d be picked up.



Hold up … here’s a statement written by attorneys for the family of Jakelin that claims that the girl had been given food and water. What’s the chance that the family would have attorneys asking for an investigation that might clear the father of any responsibility for the girl’s death?


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