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New York City Democratic Socialists call to abolish ICE (and borders, and prisons, and profit, and…)

As Twitchy reported, Marches billed as “Families Belong Together” are taking place across the country Saturday, and there are plenty of signs calling for the abolition of ICE.


And those protesters have company in high places: on Friday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted that ICE should be abolished, as did Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and a handful of congressional Democrats stopped by an “Abolish ICE” immigration protest at the Hart Senate Building on Thursday to lend their support.

Also this week, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated incumbent U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley in the Democratic primary, so it might be time to check in with the New York City Democratic Socialists and see what they’re up to. It’s no surprise that they want to abolish ICE, but that’s just one item on their wishlist:

OK, no one’s saying they’re against border security — they’re actually coming out and calling for the abolishment of borders, which seems to be the de facto result of not detaining illegal immigrants and going back to “catch-and-release” policies of the Obama administration.

Oh, and they also want to abolish profit and prisons. It should be interesting having a Democratic Socialist from New York elected to Congress in the fall.



Maybe … the most vocal party leaders seem to think the key to defeating Trump in 2020 is to lean ever further left. We say go for it.


Jonah Goldberg makes a good point:

* * *


We suspected as much …



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