As Twitchy reported, no less than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau himself took to Twitter after hearing that an 11-year-old girl had been attacked on her way to school by a man trying to cut off her hijab with scissors.
The only thing is, according to police, the attack never happened — it was yet another hoax.
You’d think that would be the end of it, but HuffPost Canada has a hot take to share: Danielle S. McLaughlin of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association says that “we” should apologize to the girl who lied about the attack.
The girl who lied about hijab attack deserves an apology, by @dsmclaughlin51
— HuffPost Canada (@HuffPostCanada) January 17, 2018
Why should “we” apologize? Because she’s just a kid.
As a human rights educator, a mother and grandmother, I have had quite a few 11-year-old girls in my life. They can be bossy, rude, mean, angry, independent, easily influenced, sweet, kind, vulnerable, confused, frightened and deeply in need of attention, all at the same time.
Rather than call for an apology (what good would that do?) from the girl and her family, I believe we owe her an apology for not remembering that, even though she is well-spoken, she is still a child. She even told us, although it was while describing her fear at the fictitious attack: “I am a kid.” Exactly.
No, seriously, that’s her argument.
— Jetaun Frazier (@JetaunFrazier) January 17, 2018
Oh COME ON, Huffington Post
— Zell (@ZellTietj) January 17, 2018
Takes don't get much stupider or more insulting than this one, from @dsmclaughlin51. Seriously: I'm about at the checkout point because of malicious idiots like this.
— J.G. Alt (@nycconservative) January 17, 2018
This is as bad as the time Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said that rape hoaxes at least helped shine “more of a spotlight on the problem.”
Interesting take – don't blame a kid for making up a story. Blame the adults who made it international news without hesitation.
— NeoN: Automataster (@neontaster) January 17, 2018
Interesting proposal though one cannot discount the entire story might have been manufactured by a family member, which is a crime.
— Kyle Matthews (@kylecmatthews) January 17, 2018
People who lie are generally not those who need an apology. Just FYI…
— Mark Noonan (@Mark_E_Noonan) January 17, 2018
If parents are apologizing to their kids everytime the kids lie to them it explains a hell of a lot about millennials.
— Saving Ferris ⚕️ (@StreetDoc_67) January 17, 2018
WTF? She lied, she's the one who should be apologizing.
— Ginger Kitty (@LM_Ginger_Kitty) January 17, 2018
You stupid people have some weird ideas on how this all works when you're caught.
— Robert Rigel (@NightmarEclipse) January 17, 2018
She deserves a swift kick in the ass, which is likely not forthcoming.
— Coder the Phoenix (@CoderInCrisis) January 17, 2018
Now that we find out she's a liar, she is just a child? This went around the globe because liberals used this child and her story to try and shame non Muslims. Blame liberal media for blowing this lie up in the 11 year olds face. Now maybe she will think twice about telling lies.
— Liberty ? Bella (@DreamWeaver61) January 17, 2018
This is next level Islamophilia right here.
— Chris Tomlinson (@TomlinsonCJ) January 17, 2018
This reported anti-Muslim attack in Canada SHOCKED Justin Trudeau. Just one problem…
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