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Mark Dice takes a closer look at some of the people on Facebook's new oversight board (and their tweets)

It was only a day ago that we learned that Twitter was experimenting with a “feature” on its iOS app that would prompt you if your tweet had hostile language in it and give you pause before posting that tweet you composed when things got heated online. It’s a feature nobody asked for, and they made it well known in the comments.


Now Facebook has announced the 20 members of its new oversight board that “will make final and binding decisions on whether specific content should be allowed or removed from Facebook and Instagram (which Facebook owns),” according to the New York Times.

Here’s a former prime minister of Denmark announcing she’ll be on the oversight board.

So who else makes up this 20-member star chamber? Mark Dice decided to have a look:


Hey, it’s Professor Pamela Karlan, the one who testified before the House Judiciary Committee on that Ukraine call and impressed PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor with her “fire words,” which included a really bad “joke” that dragged Barron Trump into the mess.



We haven’t been this confident about social media doing the right thing since Facebook teamed up with Snopes, which “fact-checks” articles from the Babylon Bee. Here’s a flashback from August:


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