It’s really funny to watch so many D.C. elites from both coasts descend upon Iowa — even if, like Joe Biden, they don’t know they’re in Iowa — just to see them mingle with those in flyover country. They need the votes, but they’re also a bunch of socialists pushing each other to the left, so they need to tailor their message and priorities carefully.
Elizabeth Warren, for example, was in Marshalltown, Iowa, and let the crowd know that as president, she’ll do something about incarcerating trans women with men.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren campaigns in Marshalltown, IA: "We have to stop putting trans women who are incarcerated into prisons with men where they are at risk. It is our responsibility."
— The Hill (@thehill) January 13, 2020
According to Donald Trump Jr., this post is already finished:
No further commentary necessary.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 13, 2020
Pandering is out of control
— TheDutchess (@dutchessvonk) January 13, 2020
Does she even listen to herself?
— smerrittory (@smerrittory) January 13, 2020
Democrat priorities do not align with reality.
They've become a parody of their own caricature. The satire writes itself….
— Uranium Covfefe (@zoochum) January 13, 2020
This is the most consequential issue she is addressing? SMH
— Backfire⚡️Hurricane (@CaryNovak) January 13, 2020
Kitchen table talks across America….. this ain’t one of them…
— M Mangoz ?? (@MMangoz) January 13, 2020
@ewarren campaigns in a bubble.
— K3rdann (@k3rdann) January 13, 2020
I think this is a *key* issue that voters nationwide can really get motivated about.
— Mike Moss (@_MikeMoss) January 13, 2020
Wow! Warren has her finger on the pulse of the nation. We spend sleepless nights worrying about the incarceration of trans-criminals.
— John Williams (@johnrw555) January 13, 2020
She has the incarcerated trans-women vote sewn up.
— Ian MacNeal (@Ian_MacNeal) January 13, 2020
With all the problems facing the world, Lizzie is taking about separating transgenders in prisons. God help us! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease
— Susan Sims (@SusanSimsPhoto) January 13, 2020
We were just on the brink of World War III last week.
One would think that almost everyone in a prison is likely at risk from other prisoners! It’s not summer camp!
— JoNathan (@JoNathanVol77) January 13, 2020
But I need to know what her plan is for this…??
— D_Anse Hatfield (@DevilAnse41) January 13, 2020
So under Warren’s brilliant leadership and decision making, any man that gets convicted and jail time can simply claim he is a transgender female and get to go to a women’s prison? Anyone see any issues with this???
— K B (@345rt) January 13, 2020
So she’d rather put every man who says they feel like a woman into women’s prisons and put women at risk…every male criminal would love that. All they have to do is say I feel like a woman today.
— LadyB (@ebc2017ebc) January 13, 2020
They're only allowed every other thing, compete in opposite sports, win medals, world titles, use their restrooms, etc. If the Left didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all.
— CDsr. (@zxdrzHoyAzz) January 13, 2020
I say we put Warren and Sanders in a wrestling ring. Warren, being wiry and lanky I think she could take him. One good kick in the groin and Bernie will be singing soprano in La Traviata.
— Gary McAleer (@lifeshaven) January 13, 2020
WATCH: Elizabeth Warren confronted in Iowa about voting against Born-Alive act and could NOT move on fast enough
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 1, 2019
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