All right gang, there is a major family-friendly Hollywood film about to be released, so you know what that means? Yes, some self-inflated leftist prigs are trying their damnedest to appear smarter than everyone else by dumping on a rather unobjectionable film.
While normally the kind of thing you could dismiss with a well-placed gif the difference here is the source. The formally science-based institution National Geographic has some issues with the film, though they do not approach it from the standpoint of an educational basis. Turns out the Society has a problem with the social implications…of a largely animated children’s lark.
National Geographic called me and asked me to write the feminist facts about how The Lion King gets lion pride dynamics all wrong. I happily complied. Lions are matrilineal!!
— Erin Biba (@erinbiba) July 8, 2019
Well, thankfully Nat Geo is on the case to give us the CORRECT portrayal of feminine dynamics — regarding a movie with talking animals…for a moment there the kids may come away from this film with an incorrect impression of wildlife!
Sure, some thought this approach was a grand idea.
Love this — smashing the patriarchy one wrongly-named-lion at the time!
— Anna-Luna Post (@AnnaLunaPost) July 8, 2019
I read about this 15 years ago in a feminist book, chapter about bias affecting what scientists see, using lions as example. Told my ex and he said that was just another viewpoint, dismissively. Total lack of intellectual curiosity and unwillingness to concede a centimetre ?
— Catherine Oliver (@CateOliver) July 10, 2019
Fucking patriarchy.
— Jennifer Gunter (@DrJenGunter) July 8, 2019
I mean, she’s joking here – right? Oh, guess not.
SERIOUSLY. Imagine if we all grew up watching The Lion Queen.
— Erin Biba (@erinbiba) July 8, 2019
At one point I read that in hunter gatherer groups, men do the hunting not because they're important or stronger, but because they are *expendable*.
The greatest con of all is the continuing notion that men are not expendable.— Steve Hawley (@_plinth_) July 8, 2019
Oh that both makes sense and makes me crack up!! We have so much to unlearn of the patriarchal/monotheistic/white supremacy interpretations of the world.
— Sarah Campagnolo (@sccampagnolo) July 9, 2019
ERIN: Here’re some actual, scientific observations about lion behavior.
MAN-BABIES: But that doesn’t fit my world view!
So sorry you have to deal with this BS.
— Halfway Decent White Shark (@steven10471) July 9, 2019
Disney was wrong! I want a do-over "Lion King" that is "The Lion Queen" now. Maybe the Queen lion goes around rescuing big strong male lions needing rescuing and Disney can help make up for past mess ups at the same time.
— GroupOfWomen (@GroupOfWomen1) July 8, 2019
It is probably a good time now to explain that there is a reason for the way the genders are presented in the film. Disney was not trying to rewrite the biological record in the name of patriarchy. The reason male characters are dominant is because the story of “The Lion King” is based directly on Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.
Now sure there are some who might respond to this detail that there would be no problem swapping genders in that story. But be honest; if Disney made a film where sisters killed each other, and the niece was run off from the family because of a greedy desire for totalitarian power, they would be complaining about the toxic portrayal of women. And we would be in the exact same conversation.
They took creative libertys with a work of fiction? Stop the fuckin presses.
— RedbackSpyder (@RedbackSpyd3r) July 9, 2019
How the hell is this necessary?
— Kyle McCall (@lacymccall25) July 9, 2019
It’s a kids movie about talking animals I don’t really think they care about facts
— Puff ⚰ (@Pufffml) July 9, 2019
So a movie about English speaking lions isn't based on reality?
— Dave Campbell (@dwc462) July 9, 2019
And also I am dubious about all the other animals paying heed to the lions. Is it possible that lion prides do not operate like a home owner’s association???
Its interesting that we accept evolved gender roles in species like Lions, but totally reject them and pretend they don't exist for Homo sapiens.
When scientists describe sex differences in humans, many of which we share with our fellow apes, it gets rejected by femenists. Hmm.
— Tom Smith (@TomSmith996) July 9, 2019
You really need to stop man-splaining with your facts. Only their facts are valid in this discussion. Hope that cleared things up.
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