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Jimmy Princeton provides us with the perfect example of Mueller Probe Dysphoria: A play in 4 parts

With the arrival of the Mueller Report (holy crap, finally) there has been all manner of enjoyment watching the leftists who have been reduced to stammering pudddles of tapioca trying to explain the non-result.


When you invest so much time towards your Trump-derangement-fueled expectations on a solitary result, and it comes up vacant, it is understandable why you might backtrack like a Bill Kristol, or simply play the clown, like Brian Krassensteein (to be redundant.)

Twitter fave Jimmy Princeton has found another example of this phenomenon, in the form of regular rambler of imbalanced blue-check thinking, Matthew Dowd.

It is a glorious example of delusion, displayed in the giddy manner of describing the heroic figure of Robert Mueller for years, only to have him reduced to a rather tepid historical figure.

What makes this so great is the sheer scope of the anticipation by Mr. Dowd. He goes back as far as May, 2017 with his Mueller-as-gun-man fantasy.



Next was a couple of months back…

But suddenly, literally overnight, Matt takes a completely neutered view of his white knight.

Huh. Mueller is a hitman, a gunslinger, a gritty Marshal, and a…seed-tossing nurseryman…??? That seems quite the departure after long months of counting on him riding in with heroic indictments and charges. Must be tough to keeep those embers of hope alive with the image of — dastardly apple trees.


Dowd has filled his feed with those who are praising the brilliance of his aanalogy. They seem oblivious to his years of touting Mueller as a toughened justice seeker out for blood, and then reducing him now to a benevolent and patient man nurturing fruit trees to later bear fruit.

Maybe Matthew has used Johnny’s bumper crop — to imbibe copious amounts of hard cider.


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