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Kamala Harris claims she resists being put in a box except that is the specific reason she got her job in the first place


Look, it is understandable when the general public refuses to listen to what most politicians have to say, but it becomes a remarkable reality when they display the unwillingness to listen to what they, and their own party, say themselves.


How can anyone explain this comment, being made by this woman?

It is not even as if she has forgotten some gauzy point in the distant past. It was only this summer when Joe Biden boldly declared he would make his seleection of his Vice President — based strictly on their gender.


Ans as if Ms. Kamala had not stepped on her tongue already with this comment, there is also the whole matter of the language use so she invited a whole other matter of commentary.

Too late – she went there.


This is the trapdoor they inevitably fall into when they attempt to both play identity politics AND attempt to heap scorn on others for noticing things like race and gender. Kamala claims she doesn’t want people placedd in a box while at the same time her party operates strictly by using checkboxes with everyone they deal with politically.

They never fail to step on aall the rakes.

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