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Did They Fall Out of a Coconut Tree? Ben and Jerry's Release a 'Kamala' Inspired Ice Cream Flavor


Ben & Jerry's announced an ice cream flavor in honor of Kamala Harris. It is named 'Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee'. They plan to partner with MoveOn Political Action and the ice cream will be available on the 'Scoop the Vote' ice cream truck tour to register voters.


Ben and Jerry's have been a bunch of progressive hippies forever so nobody should be surprised they behave like they fell out of a coconut tree, but the speculation on what the ice cream should have been named was comedy gold! We here at Twitchy love to point and laugh at the Left and encourage you to join us so of course you should give us your suggestions about the name in the comments!

Yes Daniel It was! It was so hilarious that we could not believe there was no hashtag game started for it. We might have to start that up ourselves.

That was one of our favorites. We hope the packaging is red and yellow with the sickle and everything.

HA HA HA HA. Look, this writer has a 'unique' laugh and we can not help it so we try not to poke fun at others, but when they are basically communists trying to take over the country we love, we can make an exception.


That last one might be a little long to fit on the packaging, but it is Ben & Jerry's so they can make it work. They are used to ridiculous titles.

HA! Well, that is the only way they are going to win this. They have to package it up really nicely so nobody knows what is really in it.

You are not wrong there David. The idea of her winning and what is going to happen with 4 more years of the mess we have been dealing with makes us want to cry.

*SNORT* That is hilarious. Maybe a little much for some people's taste, but we imagine any ice cream to do with Kamala is going to leave a bad taste in your mouth.


Ha Ha! Yes. The world of the Left is magical. It is like how they say Trump's plan is Project 2025 bt he also has not plan. How can they both be true at once? LIBERAL MAGIC!

Ew. That just made us not like brownies anymore. #SadTwitchyWriter

That one is our favorite. It is so good we are going to leave you with that and you all should give us your suggestions below. We love it when politics is funny and not just obnoxious. :)

When you take a break from pointing and laughing, be sure to register to vote. See if you can register one other person and FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!


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