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HHS has seen the light and reverses position in the CANDLE SCANDAL!

We told you about the federal government threatening the St Francis Healthcare System in Tulsa Oklahoma with removing their approval to take low-income patients receiving federal benefits if they did not snuff out the light of the ‘living flame’, a small candle they keep lit in the chapel 24 hours a day in the hospital for religious reasons. The candle has been lit with no issues since 1960.


The fire must have been too hot after the decision was made public because the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has reversed its position after being threatened with a lawsuit by ”Becket Law’ and will now ‘ALLOW’ the candle to stay.

This is great news, but many people are still skeptical of how long they will ‘ALLOW’ the candle and why they found it to be a problem, to begin with.

We are thrilled that Becket Law stepped in and helped smoke out the ignorance in the HHS position. However, we have been around a very long time and we know the government can never be trusted, so we have to ask, when will they try again and we were not alone!

The term ‘cockroaches’ seems too nice of a description for the government types in D.C.

We saw several people saying it was not the place of HHS to ‘ALLOW’ religious expression to begin with.


We also found many saying it would not be the end of this issue, and we agree. Leftists seem to throw out small test balloons to see how fast or slow they can move on an issue. We are sure there will be more ‘Candle Scandals’ to come.

YUP! They pull that trick often.

Sad we have to find joy in something that should never have been an issue!

If you have ever had to deal with Medicare or Medicaid you KNOW they have A LOT of better things to do, but again, the government basically sucks at doing the things they are supposed to do and they seem to excel at messing up stuff they have no business touching.


WIN! We are so glad to have this small win. We do not know how long it will last, but we hope it STICKS.

We do not generally use our own tweets in a Twitchy story, but we had to end it with our favorite quote from our very own mouth because it just fits the ‘Candle Scandal’ and government overreach perfectly.

‘All government is either incompetent or evil and sometimes both.’ ~ @ArtistAngie



The federal government seeks to snuff out the light of a Catholic hospital


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