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Democrats Prove Once Again They Believe Some, Not All, Women

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Usually, when I write for Twitchy, I'm amused. The Left is insane to the point of comical these days; if you wrote them into a movie as the villain, it would be considered too on-the-nose for cinema.

Sometimes, I'm irritated. I'm irritated by the injustices and the hypocrisy of the Left. I work out those frustrations by dragging Lefties in my post and mocking them snarkily.

But I'm very rarely angry. And I don't think I've ever been as angry about a story as I am about this one.

Over the weekend, I told you about Shepherd Middle School in Deerfield, IL and how several AWFL administrators forced teen girls to undress in front of a boy in the locker room, because that boy 'identifies' as a girl.

Here's some of what I shared in that piece:

After receiving a complaint from girls in early February that a boy was in their locker room while they were changing for gym class, District 109 'Assistant Superintendent for Student Services' Joanna Ford, 'Assistant Principal' Cathy Van Treese and 'Director for Student Services' Ginger Logemann reprimanded the girls, then escorted them to the locker room and tried to force them to change in front of the boy.

Parent Nicole Georgas, whose daughter refused and ran out of the locker room, described her daughter’s experiences to the school board Thursday.

'The male student was present in the girls locker room,' Georges said. 'Feeling violated, the girls made the choice not change into their PE (physical education) clothes with a biological male present.'

The next day, Georgas said, Ford, Van Treese and Logermann tried to bully them into to changing in front of the boy.

This is abuse. Full stop.

Remember when Doug Emhoff said some Leftists were voting for Kamala Harris because they were 'girl dads'? We told you about that here. I'd love to hear from those fathers of daughters and see if they'd be okay with their girls being forced to undress in front of boys who 'identify' as girls, over the objections and comfort of those girls.

I'm going to wager those Lefties won't be so tolerant when it's their daughters who are being abused.

I don't have daughters, but I know and love people who do, on their behalf I am indignant.

And now those girls were not only victimized by the school officials, at least one Democratic legislator in Illinois is doubling down and calling those girls liars.


I also recall how -- a few years ago -- the Left's mantra was 'Believe All Women.'

That meant a woman could level any accusation of sexual misconduct at a man and, without evidence, ruin his life. Rolling Stone made up a horrific story about rape on the UVA campus that saw the school suspend all fraternities.

For a story that was a hoax.

Now an elected official stands on the floor of the Illinois House and calls these girls liars. It is beyond despicable.

But it gets even worse if you can believe it.

During a Deerfield School Board meeting, a trans activist got up and said this:

'Research' shows no such thing. Unless this was the same 'research' Gwen Walz cited when she said tampons in the boys' rooms help kids learn to read.

Every time President Donald Trump says anything, the media are quick to add the qualifier 'without evidence' to the statement.

Where are the fact-checkers on this? Why can a trans activist say that being forced to change in front of boys helps girls 'academically, socially, and emotionally' without question?

But more to the point: what new level of gaslighting is this? Not only are Democrats abusing girls, but they're telling the girls and their parents it's actually beneficial for those girls to be abused for the sake of mentally ill boys.

Not only should Rep. Morgan be primaried and voted out of office -- if not outright recalled -- for his egregious abuse of Illinois girls, but every Democrat should be made to answer why it's okay for Illinois school officials and politicians to abuse and smear teenage girls.

They won't be, because this is who the Democrats are, and in their world, it's okay to only believe some women.


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